Key Marketing Metrics: How to Measure Success

Are you trying to make the most of your marketing efforts but don’t know how well they’re performing? Alright, well, we are going to get a tad technical in here, but stay with us! We promise we will help break this down for you so you can see success in your marketing strategies. Come with us on a journey to unlock the true power of your campaigns and measure their success through key marketing metrics. So stick around and read on as we discuss five key marketing metrics you should be tracking in order to measure success!

Cost per Acquisition (CPA)

How Much Did it Cost You to Acquire a Customer

Cost per Acquisition (CPA) is one of the metrics that matter most for marketers. It measures how much it costs to acquire a customer, which makes it an invaluable tool when tracking marketing metrics. Understanding CPA helps marketers optimize their campaigns and adjust them to get the results they want in future ones. Anything from spending less money on ads or focusing on different channels can be used to modify CPA, making it a vital feature of any marketing campaign worth its metrics.

Return on Investment (ROI)

How Much Money Was Earned Back From Initial Investments in Marketing Campaigns

When it comes to our marketing campaigns, we’re always interested in cashing in on our investments––literally. That’s why we track and measure ROI; to make sure that the money we initially put in is returned in spades. We keep a close eye on cpc (cost-per-click) tracking and other metrics to quantify our success. After all, when you invest your hard-earned money into something, you want to be assured of the payoff!

Conversion Rate (CR)

The Percentage of Visitors Who Take an Action on Your Website or Landing Page

Knowing how to measure the success of your marketing campaigns is key – enter conversion rate (CR). CR shows how many of the people who have visited your website or landing page have completed an action. It could be signing up for an email list, buying a product, or downloading an app – all ways conversion rate helps you track how effective your campaigns are and how engaged customers are. Keep tabs on customer engagement metrics in combination with how well you’re able to reach your desired target audience and voila – you’ll know exactly how well your marketing strategies are performing!

Click-through Rate (CTR)

The number of Click-throughs Compared to the Total Number of Impressions Generated

Click-through rate (CTR) gives important insight into engagement metrics, helping marketers understand how many people are interested enough in a piece of content to actually click on it. CTR is like the click to open rate for an email – how enticing does an email have to be in order for someone to take further action and click through? CTR measures engagement and helps marketers determine how to create better content that resonates with their target audience. Although there are other conversion metrics such as sales, revenue, impact and engagement that measure marketing performance, CTR helps provide quick insight into engagement at the first point of contact.

Engagement Rate (ER)

The Level of Engagement With Content, Measured by Likes, Comments and Shares on Social Media

Engagement rate (ER) is one customer engagement metric that marketers and agencies look to for understanding the customer’s reaction to digital content. This metric measures response and customer interaction with posts, articles or videos – likes, comments and shares on social media – and gives a quick understanding of how successful campaigns have been in terms of customer engagement. Although it may appear simplistic on the surface, an accurate interpretation of this metric takes into account the customer’s behavior to uncover their response to your brand or product over time. The modern savvy customer responds to what resonates best with them, so it’s important for brands to keep track of ER as well as other engagement metrics.

Tracking marketing metrics can provide vital information about different aspects of your campaign progress. Both new marketing efforts and years-old strategy can benefit from the essential key marketing metrics to help adjust your strategy accordingly. And if you ever find yourself stuck, remember that Curiosity Marketing Group is here to help! From keeping track of cost per acquisition to improving click-through rates on social media posts, we leverage our expertise in the industry and tailor our approach to fit your individual needs. So don’t hesitate – contact us today for the metrics that matter!

Google’s Helpful Content Update and What it Means for Your Website

Ah, the good old days of SEO! Back when keyword stuffing like a maniac was rank-worthy behavior and most web content wasn’t worth its weight in pixels. Although some corners are still cut today, Google’s cracking down by finding ways to reward quality over quantity. Trustworthy websites are rising through the ranks as authorities once again, and we’re here for it! Let’s dive deep into Google’s Helpful Content Update and what it means for your website.

What does Google identify as “helpful content”?

Google recently implemented the Google’s Helpful Content Update, which seeks to identify and prioritize helpful content when surfacing search results. Google defines “helpful content” as articles, tutorials, or other information that are useful to users who are looking for solutions to a problem. Google recognizes that such content not only helps users but also encourages them to come back and search again in the future. Knowing this, Google is now taking proactive steps to ensure that users find the most helpful information when using Google Search as their go-to source for finding answers.

Create content that boosts rankings.

What should you do to get ready for the helpful content algorithm update?

Google’s Helpful Content Update is here, and it’s time to get with the times! Google is currently looking for longer and more in-depth content that offers real value. To stay ahead of the competition, you should focus on high-quality, fresh content and readability. First and foremost, stay organized! Content needs to be clear, consistent, and well-labeled so Google can properly categorize it. 

Take some time to optimize titles, meta descriptions, and images. If a user is searching for something, make sure they are able to quickly identify what’s relevant to them. Also, make sure to review your content periodically for accuracy and relevancy. Having up-to-date information is essential in ensuring that users find the most helpful content from Google Search. Additionally, make sure you are posting regularly and optimizing content for Google’s featured snippets. All these steps will help ensure that Google shows your content before others of similar nature.

Ranking high on Google with a professional SEO agency

The recent Helpful Content Update is Google’s way of rewarding top-quality content with higher rankings, so it’s easy to understand why utilizing the expertise of our professional SEO agency is more important than ever if you want to be seen by Google. SEO can seem like a foreign language to many business owners, but that doesn’t mean you need to be left behind. Investing in SEO can boost your web presence and get your company ranked higher on the world’s most popular search engine – Google. Your SEO efforts are sure to pay off with the help of our SEO agency, bringing you more leads and opportunities than ever before!

Get started on your SEO strategy!

Get curious about optimizing your website for Google with Curiosity Marketing Group!

What Makes a Good SEO Strategy – Everything You Need to Know

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is like the cryptic board game Clue: it requires strategic planning and good detective work. Creating a successful SEO strategy can unlock high search engine rankings and dramatically increase your website traffic. Your objective? To identify content opportunities that tightly align with your target audience’s interests and implement them into your strategy for maximum optimization. But remember, you only have one guess! Just kidding – There are endless ways to refine your strategy on an ongoing basis. If you’re looking for a Search Engine Optimization breakthrough, break out the magnifying glass, and let’s get curious!

What is a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategy?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an essential strategy for any business looking to make themselves seen online. That’s you! But what does SEO actually involve? Think of it like this: Search engines use sophisticated algorithms to bring users the results most relevant to their query, and your goal with SEO is to make sure you rank among those that appear at the top of the search engine results page (SERP). This means optimizing everything from your website design and content so that it appeals to both search engine algorithms as well as potential customers. When done right, it can help drive more web traffic, increase brand visibility, and lead to a larger customer base – all things we can help you achieve!

Get started on your SEO strategy!

Keyword Research

Search Engine Optimization isn’t a total mystery; in fact, the first step to success is as easy as hunting down a few words. Keyword research is the foundation for any successful SEO campaign and can help inform strategies for improving content and ranking higher on search engine results pages. Search engine algorithms are ever-changing, but there’s one thing that will always remain constant: effective keyword research produces quality content that resonates with readers – helping them find what they’re looking for faster. To get the most out of your SEO effort, we make sure to include keyword research as part of your strategy!

Competitor Analysis

Search Engine Optimization involves a lot more than just optimizing your own website; it requires analyzing the competition to make sure you’re doing everything you can to get ahead of the pack. The best way to do this is by taking a good, hard look at what your competitors are doing in terms of content and other SEO tactics. Not only will assessing your rivals help bring focus to any areas where you may be lacking, but it also gives you an opportunity to learn from their successes and mistakes. Once you have an understanding of the strategies employed by other sites, you can begin crafting strategies of your own and build a custom-tailored strategy for success. With our team’s help in conducting a competitor analysis for SEO, success is one ‘click’ away!

Get started on your competitor analysis!

Technical SEO and User Experience

One of the most overlooked strategies is utilizing metadata and alt text – two powerful SEO tools that are often underestimated. Metadata refers to descriptive document information about your website content, such as titles and descriptions. Alt text is the alternative text option that appears in place of an image, helping indexers to understand the photo or illustration content, thus adding more context for the Search Engine’s crawlers. The combination of metadata and alt text will give your website a dynamic boost to Search Engine Optimization efforts. For more technical strategies, it’s best to utilize the expertise of a professional marketing agency.

Measuring Your SEO Strategy Success

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the key to success when it comes to getting your content noticed, but since Google’s algorithm is constantly changing and improving, so should your approach. Achieving and maintaining a good ranking on search engines is not easy. It requires a lot of patience, hard work, and, most importantly – a great SEO strategy. If you’re not sure where to start or how to create an effective SEO campaign that will help your business grow, partner with us here at Curiosity Marketing Group. We specialize in developing customized SEO strategies that get results. Take the first step towards improving your online visibility; contact us today for a free consultation.

Get curious about Search Engine Optimization with Curiosity Marketing Group!

Geofencing VS Geotargeting – The Who’s Who of Geotactics

Geofencing and Geotargeting are often used interchangeably due to being part of the same Geotactics family, but in all actuality, they could not be more different. Geotactic sounds like a word used in military strategy, right? Or maybe even a game of chess? Well, you’re close, sort of. Geotactics may make your head spin at first, but with patience and research, and our help, it’s not too difficult to master – And it comes with some fantastic rewards if done right!

What is Geofencing?

Geofencing advertising is a clever way for businesses to target their marketing efforts at customers who are most likely to convert. That means a better return on their investment! By drawing a virtual barrier around a location using users’ IP addresses, businesses can pinpoint their audience and deliver customized messages or offers directly to them. Geofencing also allows businesses to measure real-time analytics of the people entering and leaving the specified area, allowing them to tailor their ad campaigns even further. Geofencing really is a smart way to think outside the box when it comes to targeting potential customers.

What are the Benefits of Geofencing?

Geofencing has numerous benefits. It’s not only cost-effective but also far more efficient than traditional forms of marketing that require extensive data collection, analysis and interpretation. Additionally, businesses can track the success of their ads in real-time, making it easier to adjust or update campaigns as needed.

Explore the world of advanced advertising strategies.

What is Geotargeting?

Geotargeting is all about being specific. It gives you the power to really narrow down and hone in on certain customer indicators, demographics, behaviors and interests – which means your ads get delivered only to people who you know will be interested and have a genuine connection to the products you are advertising. Geotargeting just makes sense – instead of wasting time, why not go directly to the source?

What are the Benefits of Geotargeting?

Geotargeting takes advertising to the next level! By refining the targeting criteria and adding an element of location, businesses are able to display more relevant ads that have much greater success rates. Now that’s what we like to hear! Geotargeting offers a new level of efficiency in large campaigns and can specifically target potential customers without expanding too much beyond the defined radius. Geotargeting is definitely the way forward for all smart businesses that want to increase marketing success!

There you have it – Geofencing and Geotargeting! Now that you know the who’s who of Geotactics put them to good use in your marketing strategy. If you need help incorporating these location-based advertising tactics into your plan, look no further than Curiosity Marketing Group. Our team of experienced marketers will work with you to create a customized plan that exceeds your business goals.

If you are curious about Geotactics and Geotargeting, contact Curiosity Marketing Group!

What’s the difference between CTV, OTT, and Linear TV?

When it comes to getting your television ad on the air in front of thousands of eyes to see, there are a few new routes to take, thanks to ever-advancing technology. We know what you’re thinking, but trust us – The differences between each advertising channel are not as complicated as they may seem! Stick with us, and we’ll make it short, sweet and to the point.

Connected TV (CTV)

CTV encompasses any internet-connected device that can stream content online, such as smart TVs, gaming systems, and streaming sticks. Connected TV has been quietly revolutionizing the advertising industry. In a nutshell, Connective TV is a way for advertisers to put their message in front of potential customers through streaming platforms such as Hulu and Netflix. So, while you are relaxing on your couch with snacks in-hand streaming your favorite show or movie, Connected TV advertisements make sure that you get a glimpse of what’s being offered on the market along the way. 

Connected TV offers tremendous value to advertisers as it allows them to target very specific audiences and measure success closely— something most traditional marketing channels undeniably lack. All things considered, Connected TV advertising provides an easy and efficient way to reach large audiences without spending too much money. We say it’s definitely worth checking out!

Want more? Head over to our Advanced Advertising Strategy page!

Over the Top (OTT)

OTT refers to any streaming service that allows users to access content without a cable or satellite subscription (e.g. Disney Plus, Netflix). Over the Top (OTT) advertising is taking the marketing world by storm because it utilizes various streaming services to reach consumers where they’re watching their favorite shows. OTT bridges the gap between TV networks and advertisers by targeting viewers who actually engage with advertisements. Instead of simply showing a 30-second spot between segments, OTT ads can hold viewers’ attention longer by mixing elements from both television and digital advertising formats – providing endless opportunities for personalized and interactive campaigns. We know, it almost sounds too good to be true – But it is! All in all, it’s great news for businesses who are looking for innovative methods for reaching their target audience!

Linear TV

Linear TV is the traditional cable television you’re used to. Think of it as “linear programming” because one program follows another in chronological order. Linear TV reaches viewers on scheduled television programming with video commercials, making them ideal for long-term campaigns and larger target audiences. Linear TV can be a great way to reach a large audience and communicate your message – but it can also be expensive and time-consuming.

Hit it big with your next ad campaign!

Creating a Diverse Ad Strategy

With Linear TV, Over the Top (OTT) and Connected TV (CTV) advertising on the rise, creating a diverse TV ad strategy is more important than ever. We’ve got you covered! To stand out from the competition, we take an omnichannel approach that reaches consumers across a variety of media outlets. Integrating Linear TV with OTT and CTV is the cornerstone of any smart advertising campaign with goals of reaching a wider audience. After all, why limit yourself to just one option when you can have it all? Let’s do this!

If you’re curious about OTT, CTV, and Linear TV, contact Curiosity Marketing Group!

Industry Best Practices for Geotactics

Geotargeting is a rather new tactic for marketing. It allows companies to create targeted ads based on the location of the person you want to see the ad. So, what does that mean for you? Well, simply put, it means more traffic. Specifically, it means that the traffic you are receiving is targeted more accurately and that your audience is being shown important information about your business at the time when it is most crucial when they are close by.

What can Geotactics do for you?

Have you ever been out of town on vacation and gotten hungry? Most of us have. You pick up your phone, open google, and type in “food near me.” For this example, we are going to say “pizza.” Geotargeting allows you to see every pizza place within a set distance from your location. Awesome, right? Well, that can happen for anything. Pizza, clothing, cars, mechanic shops, marketing companies, and more! We can help integrate geotargeting for you, or you can use these 5 best practices to make your own geotargeting efforts efficient and successful!

Be One with the Locals

If you are using geotargeting to capture the audience of a specific area, do your research and make sure that your ad makes you sound like one of the locals. This is important. If you sound like someone who has never been to a place and knows nothing about the culture, it’s more likely someone will choose a company that does have that voice.

Optimize Your Ads

Make sure that your geotargeting is optimized in a way that considers your available open hours and high-traffic times at your location. The worst-case scenario is that someone sees your advertisement and they want to give you their business, but you aren’t even open to accommodate them.

Test Small, Launch Big

Test your ad campaigns in an exceedingly small and localized area to see if they are going to perform well before launching them on a larger scale. You want to make sure that people are accepting of what you have before more eyes are made aware of your ads.

Check, and Then Check Again

When it comes to geotargeting, you want to make sure that you are targeting the correct area. You may have put in “London” but were not aware that it was sending you to London, Kentucky, and not London, England. This is definitely an important distinction, to say the least.

Exclude Poor Performing Areas

If you have launched an ad campaign that has integrated geotactics and it is performing well in some areas while it is a flop in others, don’t be scared to remove those areas from the ad. Maybe even try some other areas or criteria. You never know where you may see the most success!

How can a professional advertising agency help?

So, now you know a bit about what geotactics are and some tips on how to use them efficiently. If you’re curious as to how the professionals at Curiosity Marketing Group can help. Partnering with a professional geotactics ad agency doesn’t have to be intimidating. With the appropriate resources and expertise, your business can benefit from taking work off of your plate and getting the experts involved. Not only will you gain access to experienced personnel that know how to maximize results, but you’ll also save time and money. When you partner with our professional advertising company, there’s no need to worry about tackling complex tasks without the correct knowledge – we’ll do it all for you!

Let us make your curiosity a reality – Contact us today to integrate geotactics into your advertising strategy!

Creative Ad Tactics that Boost ROI

Creative Ads. You know what it means. You have seen them everywhere. Do you know how to create them? If your answer is no, we are here to help! It isn’t always easy to keep your readers’ attention. It can be even more difficult to drive them toward a purchase. Check out our proven ad tactics to get to know our advertising agency.

If you want to get involved and give creative advertising a try yourself, try these solutions to help gain that return on your investment that you are looking for!

Proven Strategies for Your Ads

So you made it this far. Congratulations! So, you want tips to make your ads more creative and to make people feel like they NEED to indulge in whatever it is that you are advertising. Well, without further ado…

Know Your Competitors

Your competition has, without a doubt, done their research. They have seen what the market has to offer, and they have pinpointed it. Don’t be afraid to take a look at their ads and pick out some of the talking points they have included that also pertain to you. Then, do it better!

Obsess Over Your Headlines

The headline is the first piece of bait that you put out. If someone sees your headline and skips over it without the smallest hesitation, you have lost. If you are happy with your advertisement but it is not gaining the traction that you had hoped for, try changing your headlines and see if something else works better. You may be surprised at the change in engagement.

Avoid Industry Jargon

Use plain English in every instance that you can. Yes, we know that you know your industry! The reader may not, but they can understand factual information and hard numbers. Test specific numbers and statistics of your product or service. If one statistic isn’t gaining that clickthrough traffic that you are looking for, switch it up to another that you feel is important and see if that helps.

Get to the Point

You must grab the reader’s attention immediately. The public is used to scrolling quickly through social media and will only click on something if it REALLY catches their eye! It is of utmost importance to get your message across and do so quickly and efficiently while also being interesting enough to deserve a click. It sounds difficult, but with some research and a little dedication, you will get the hang of it quickly!

Appeal to the Reader’s Emotions

One of the quickest ways to gain a reader’s full attention is to make them have an emotional response. Truthfully, which emotion is up to your writing style and brand voice, but that evocation of emotion will help you gain traction with your audience!

Make Your Investment Matter

Whether you have invested money, time or both into your advertising, you always want to do your best to see a maximized return on that investment. As the old saying goes, time is money. If you are putting your best foot forward and all due diligence is given to your success, you will see results. Creative ad creation is one of the more difficult sides of marketing but can also be the most rewarding. If you would prefer to skip over the process of learning it all yourself, check out our professional advertising services, and then contact us to tackle it for you!

Successful Evergreen Content Types

As the name suggests, evergreen content remains relevant and retains its beauty, no matter when it’s posted or consumed. It doesn’t just quench our natural curiosity, it also ensures our customers won’t wander off too far because the content we create will always provide them with valuable information. Evergreen content usually stays with you longer than traditional content and can help attract customers regardless if it’s seen today or a few years from now. While you might have to give up on seasonal content now and again, evergreen material will never lose its character! There are a select few types of evergreen content that do stand the test of time. Let’s check them out!

Evergreen Content and the Spectrum of Successful Media

So, what type of content can be considered “Evergreen”? Well, luckily for you, we’re providing you with a guide. Some content just seems to hold value, whether it was made years ago or minutes ago. Let’s check them out, so you can pick your favorite genre of Evergreen Content!

How-to Guides

Do it yourself projects are some of the most popular things you will find on the web! Anything that has something that triggers your curiosity probably has a how-to guide somewhere. Keep it focused on the topic of conversation and avoid the temptation of adding trendy ideas to the content.

Goods and Services Reviews

Reviews can be the best form of marketing or content that your brand can put out there. Just head over to any of your favorite websites and search for the term “review.” We’re willing to bet that thousands upon thousands of posts will come up and almost all of them have tons of engagement. Reviews of your product or service can be a simple and timeless way to market your brand.


It’s a list! It’s an article! Wait, no, it’s a Listicle! These are long-form articles that give great ideas in the rough form of a list. Gift ideas, vacation spots, and popular TV shows to watch are just a few Listicle ideas that keep the reader’s attention and just so happen to be pretty evergreen!

Buying Guides

As long as there are products available to buy, people will want to look at buying guides. Think of a product – Anything that money can buy. There is probably a buyer’s guide available to you for that product. People will check and cross-reference buying guides to ensure they are getting the best bang for their buck, which provides another opportunity for evergreen branding efforts.

Tips and Tricks

Everyone sees a new way to use something or a new way of doing things that gets folks thinking. Tips and tricks that you share with your audience allow others in on the mystery of a topic. Tips and tricks on buying, working out, cooking, or pretty much anything are almost guaranteed to be a great source of evergreen content!


Glossaries are typically an alphabetical layout of everything you may need to know about a topic. It helps people to break down, visualize and understand whatever content they are attempting to consume. If that content is available to the masses, a glossary for it will be useful!


They’re interesting, what else can we say? Celebrities, designers, scientists, and doctors all have one thing in common. They have interesting stories that people want to hear! Find someone interesting and interview them in relation to your company! That interview will always be relevant.

Hiring a Marketing Company to Create Evergreen Brand Content

Evergreen content can be an especially crucial factor in keeping your brand relevant in a timeless manner. If your content is always fresh to the reader, your brand is always pertinent. If you want to create your own evergreen content, great! We have laid some general framework for you to be able to do so. If you want to leave that in the hands of professionals who have experience creating content that people will keep coming back to, check out our content marketing services, and stay curious.


Best Times (And Days) To Post on Social Media

*Please note that all times mentioned in the following blog post are presented in U.S. Central Time.

Social Media has become a huge staple in the daily routine of people around the world. We get up in the morning and check Facebook. 30 minutes later, we will begin to scroll through Instagram; brushing our teeth, we open TikTok. Ahhhh! Social Media is just a part of society and life these days. Businesses can take this opportunity to tune into the people and use it as an opening for targeted marketing. I’m sure you’re saying, “but how do I know when to post? What is the best day or the best time?” Of course, that’s what you’re asking; otherwise, you wouldn’t be here!

But, What IS the Best Time to Post?

 Instead of JUST hitting you with a link to our social media service offerings, we’re here to share some facts as well! Every Social Media platform has a niche demographic that uses its service. However, most folks want to use multiple platforms, so they don’t miss out on those beautiful and ever-important posts, likes, shares, and comments. Each Social Media network has its own set of statistics that show the waves of potential eyes rolling in every hour. Maybe you should post on Instagram at 8:30 but wait until 11:00 to post that TikTok you worked so hard to edit. Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty on each of the most popular platforms.

Based on our research in combination with a social media global engagement statistics study performed by SproutSocial, and global posts analyzed by HootSuite, below is an outline of what we suggest you follow for each platform. So, read them all, or skip to YOUR favorite, then click here to read more on the benefits of working with Curiosity on your social media marketing.


Facebook has been dominating social media platforms for nearly a decade. They see the most traffic and therefore are a favorite for marketing efforts. Facebook has the broadest spectrum with times to post. If you are dedicated enough to be up at 3 a.m., a post any day Monday through Friday will be seen by the masses on Facebook. If not, Tuesdays at 10 a.m. or noon seem to be popular as well!  Yes, we said 3am! Weird right? This early in the morning, 3am, there are likely fewer people posting, which means less competition in the feed. That could mean that you get some early engagement which then helps improve the reach of your post, and by, say, 9am, when more people are online, that early response helps ensure that your content is then shown to more people.

Stuck trying to think of good Facebook post ideas for your business page? Check out these 10 secrets to creating interactive Facebook posts your followers will love (with examples).


Apparently, Instagram users are a little later to rise. You will see the most traffic between the hours of 9am and noon on Monday through Friday, with the highest concentrations in this time window on both Tuesday and Wednesday.


One of the newer platforms on our list, but they are not the least! TikTok has quickly made its way to the top with its short-form video. From marketing to entertainment to information, there is plenty to take in on TikTok. If you want the most people taking in your content, you should post between 1pm and 3pm Tuesday through Thursday.


Twitter has been around for a long time and has been the go-to for up-to-the-minute conversations and breaking news topics, so it may be a good idea to integrate an interesting news topic with your post. Twitter is also one of the more spread-out platforms, and a little harder to nail down the perfect time to post. It is never a promising idea to post your most noteworthy items on weekend days on Twitter, but if you do, aim for later in the morning when users are awake. According to Hootsuite, Monday and Thursday mornings are ideal times for posting. Any other day, around 9 am, you are sure to catch some engagement as well!


LinkedIn, over the years, has been seen by many as a strictly business platform, but in the past year, we have seen it evolve. It’s still professional in content but becoming more personal. It has seen a lot of traction for marketing as well! LinkedIn sees the most engagement Tuesday through Thursday, between 9am and noon, with the highest spikes of use being seen during those same hours on Tuesday.

The Big Picture

 Mastering the “Rules of Engagement,” so to speak, for social media can be exceedingly difficult. Some people and businesses spend months, if not years, trying to create that one perfect viral post and most never get it. If you want to take on the challenge, follow the posting schedule we have laid out for you! It is sure to help you get the exposure you are looking for!

Partnering with a Professional Social Media Marketing Company

For businesses looking to make a splash on social media platforms, partnering with a professional social media marketing company is no longer an option – it’s a necessity! After all, having an active presence on social channels like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook can help build customer loyalty, bring in new customers, spread your brand message far and wide, and provide lots of interesting content for your audiences. And since working with a talented team of professionals can ensure that these efforts are realized quickly and cost-effectively, why wouldn’t you take advantage of the opportunity?

Don’t just take our word for it. See what we can offer to help YOU get seen by as many folks as possible!

Happy Posting – Contact us today for your free social media marketing consultation!

How Organizations Can Build Trust Through Content Marketing

Content marketing is a powerful tool that organizations can use to build trust with their target audience. Consider it a magic potion you can sprinkle into your marketing mix. By creating content that’s relevant and engages the reader, companies can show they are experts in their field and reliable sources of information. If this doesn’t sound like your business, content marketing can get you there! Crafting great content needs to be as precise and calculated as a generals’ battle plan. Show your audience you mean business by delivering thoughtful, reliable pieces that demonstrate mastery in the field they care about most!

What Is Content Creation in Marketing

Forget the days of simply producing content that gives customers a quick and superficial glance at what you do. Content creation isn’t just gathering words, images or videos- it’s about creating something special with real emotion built in to make sure your target audience truly connects with your brand! So go beyond surface level marketing, strike up conversations and tug on those heartstrings – give them an epic experience they won’t soon forget!

Explore the content marketing process

Why Content Marketing Matters

Content marketing is a great way to show off your knowledge, charm the pants off potential customers and make yourself look like an expert in any field. If done right it can also give you a positive reputation that speaks volumes about who you are as an organization – how’s that for trustworthiness? Content is like a personal tutor for online customers! It offers helpful advice to guide an informed purchase decision, and then helps direct interested leads right into your sales funnel – that’s some serious marketing magic.

What Are the Benefits of Content Marketing

Content marketing has become the talk of the town. It’s giving businesses a chance to connect with customers on an entirely new level and build meaningful relationships that will last for years! Instead of being just another trend, this is here to stay – so it may be time you get in on all the excitement! Content can be a great way to boost SEO – like sprinkling powerful keywords throughout your writing, making it easier for potential customers to find you online! You won’t even have to break the bank: content marketing is always an affordable option. Let’s raise our glasses and toast being smart with money!

Check out our professional content marketing services

Building Trust Through Content Marketing

Organizations wanting to create trusting relationships with their followers can find success by implementing content marketing in multiple fun and exciting ways!

Establish a credible, consistent voice

If you’re looking to gain trustworthiness, it’s important that your organization presents itself in a professional and organized manner. Go with authoritative information and language as well as steering clear of clickbait-y rhetoric – when all else fails, practice what the pros do by leaning on industry veterans! But don’t fret if your audience isn’t too keen on highbrow facts; sometimes being funny goes further than playing it safe. It just depends who you’ve got tuning in!

Create helpful, timely content

If you want your branded content to get noticed, don’t talk about things that might happen in the future – tackle needs and interests readers have right now. Focusing on timely topics such as trends and product reviews can be a great way to give people what they’re looking for so they come back again when their other needs arise!

Always remain transparent and honest

When it comes to building trust with an audience, faking the funk is no way to go about it. Sure, Fyre Festival gave us a laugh and made for some great documentaries – but if you want customers that stick around long-haul then stretching the truth won’t get you very far! 

Interact with readers as often as possible

It’s time to be BFFs! Organizations should limit the promotional posts and get into meaningful conversations with their readers. Show your audience that you care by responding to comments, keeping them in-the-know about new developments, and dishing out thoughtful advice – just like a best friend would do!

Prioritize customer service

Organizations should treat customer service like the star quarterback; it needs to be on its A-Game at all times! That means lightning fast response times, website FAQs that double as top tier life advice, and technical support so efficient you’ll think they’re reading your mind. After all, if everything else fails – there’s always customer service!

Take your business to the top with branded content marketing


Partnering with a content marketing company

Struggling to make your mark on the world? Harness our content marketing company’s revolutionary power – and stand out from the crowd with an impactful message that’ll turn heads! Let Curiosity Marketing Group give your content a jolt of electric energy! Our amazing team can help breathe life into your brand with ideas that will leave potential customers mesmerized. We’ll make sure they remember you – and not just because the competition got left in the dust. 

Contact us today for your free content marketing consultation!