
Successful Evergreen Content Types

Successful Evergreen Content Types

As the name suggests, evergreen content remains relevant and retains its beauty, no matter when it’s posted or consumed. It doesn’t just quench our natural curiosity, it also ensures our customers won’t wander off too far because the content we create will always provide them with valuable information. Evergreen content usually stays with you longer than traditional content and can help attract customers regardless if it’s seen today or a few years from now. While you might have to give up on seasonal content now and again, evergreen material will never lose its character! There are a select few types of evergreen content that do stand the test of time. Let’s check them out!

Evergreen Content and the Spectrum of Successful Media

So, what type of content can be considered “Evergreen”? Well, luckily for you, we’re providing you with a guide. Some content just seems to hold value, whether it was made years ago or minutes ago. Let’s check them out, so you can pick your favorite genre of Evergreen Content!

How-to Guides

Do it yourself projects are some of the most popular things you will find on the web! Anything that has something that triggers your curiosity probably has a how-to guide somewhere. Keep it focused on the topic of conversation and avoid the temptation of adding trendy ideas to the content.

Goods and Services Reviews

Reviews can be the best form of marketing or content that your brand can put out there. Just head over to any of your favorite websites and search for the term “review.” We’re willing to bet that thousands upon thousands of posts will come up and almost all of them have tons of engagement. Reviews of your product or service can be a simple and timeless way to market your brand.


It’s a list! It’s an article! Wait, no, it’s a Listicle! These are long-form articles that give great ideas in the rough form of a list. Gift ideas, vacation spots, and popular TV shows to watch are just a few Listicle ideas that keep the reader’s attention and just so happen to be pretty evergreen!

Buying Guides

As long as there are products available to buy, people will want to look at buying guides. Think of a product – Anything that money can buy. There is probably a buyer’s guide available to you for that product. People will check and cross-reference buying guides to ensure they are getting the best bang for their buck, which provides another opportunity for evergreen branding efforts.

Tips and Tricks

Everyone sees a new way to use something or a new way of doing things that gets folks thinking. Tips and tricks that you share with your audience allow others in on the mystery of a topic. Tips and tricks on buying, working out, cooking, or pretty much anything are almost guaranteed to be a great source of evergreen content!


Glossaries are typically an alphabetical layout of everything you may need to know about a topic. It helps people to break down, visualize and understand whatever content they are attempting to consume. If that content is available to the masses, a glossary for it will be useful!


They’re interesting, what else can we say? Celebrities, designers, scientists, and doctors all have one thing in common. They have interesting stories that people want to hear! Find someone interesting and interview them in relation to your company! That interview will always be relevant.

Hiring a Marketing Company to Create Evergreen Brand Content

Evergreen content can be an especially crucial factor in keeping your brand relevant in a timeless manner. If your content is always fresh to the reader, your brand is always pertinent. If you want to create your own evergreen content, great! We have laid some general framework for you to be able to do so. If you want to leave that in the hands of professionals who have experience creating content that people will keep coming back to, check out our content marketing services, and stay curious.



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