Why Healthcare Marketing is Essential in 2024 (and Top Strategies to Thrive)

At one time, people might have looked through a phone book to find a doctor or asked family for recommendations. Today, 80% of patients research healthcare providers online before making an appointment. With the internet, it’s easy to browse options and learn more without having to call anyone or even leave the couch. If your practice doesn’t have a strong online presence, you are missing out on these potential patients. So how do you get there? That’s where healthcare marketing comes in.

What is Healthcare Marketing?

Healthcare marketing is about more than just promoting services—it’s about connecting with patients and guiding them through their healthcare journey. It involves a blend of strategies and tactics to attract, engage, and retain patients, ensuring they choose your practice over others. Here are some key components:

  • Managing Your Online Reputation
  • Being Findable
  • Building a Brand People Can Trust
  • Establishing Yourself as an Expert
  • Making Information Easy to Navigate
  • Attracting Potential Patients

By focusing on these components, healthcare providers can create a robust marketing strategy that not only attracts new patients but also builds lasting relationships with them.

Why Healthcare Marketing Matters

Increasing Competition

The healthcare industry is more competitive than ever. With numerous providers offering similar services, standing out from the crowd has become essential. Healthcare marketing helps you highlight what makes your practice unique, whether it’s advanced technology, specialized treatments, or exceptional patient care. By showcasing your strengths, you can attract more patients and stay ahead of the competition.

Changing Patient Expectations

Patients today are savvy consumers of healthcare information. They no longer rely solely on referrals; instead, they research, compare, and read reviews before making decisions. This shift means that healthcare providers must meet patients where they are—online. Effective healthcare marketing ensures that your practice appears in search results, offers engaging content, and provides the information patients need to make informed choices.

Building Trust and Credibility

Trust is the cornerstone of any patient-provider relationship. A well-crafted marketing strategy can help build and maintain this trust. By sharing success stories, patient testimonials, and expert advice, you can create a positive brand image that resonates with patients. This credibility not only attracts new patients but also fosters loyalty among existing ones, encouraging them to return and refer others.

Driving Patient Acquisition and Retention

Effective healthcare marketing directly impacts patient acquisition and retention. Through targeted campaigns, you can reach potential patients who are actively seeking the services you offer. Additionally, by maintaining an informative and engaging online presence, you can keep existing patients engaged and satisfied. This dual approach ensures a steady stream of new patients while keeping current patients loyal to your practice.

Top Healthcare Marketing Strategies

Branding: The Foundation of Your Healthcare Image

You might not think of branding in healthcare, but it’s an essential piece of the puzzle. Branding encompasses everything from your logo to your messaging, acting as your practice’s signature that patients recognize and trust.

Website Design & Development: Your 24/7 Digital Office:

In today’s digital age, having a well-designed website is non-negotiable. Your website serves as your 24/7 digital office, providing patients with easy access to information and services anytime, anywhere. It’s often the first impression potential patients have of your practice, so make it count with a professional and welcoming online presence.

Paid Advertising: Reaching the Right Patients at the Right Time

Connecting with new potential patients is essential for any healthcare marketing strategy. Paid advertising ensures your message reaches the right people at the right time and place. By targeting locations, demographics, and interests through platforms like Google Ads and social media ads, you can quickly and effectively increase your visibility and attract new patients.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Increasing Organic Visibility

Instead of reaching for a phone book, most people start their search for a healthcare provider online. Showing up at the top of search results gives you a huge advantage. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of enhancing your website to rank higher in search engine results. This strategy boosts your online visibility, bringing in more organic traffic over the long term.

Reputation Management: Safeguarding Your Practice’s Good Name

With a plethora of review sites to browse, potential patients are likely to check online reviews before choosing a healthcare provider. If your reviews aren’t looking great, they might pass you up for someone else. Don’t let that happen—effective reputation management can safeguard your practice’s good name.

Boost Your Practice with Expert Healthcare Marketing Strategies

We know that building a strong healthcare marketing strategy can feel overwhelming. There’s a lot to understand and even more to do, and as busy doctors and practice managers, finding the time can be nearly impossible. That’s where we come in.

At Curiosity Marketing Group, we excel in healthcare marketing because of our extensive experience. With that experience comes a deep understanding of the unique challenges you face, from keeping online review responses HIPAA compliant to managing patient expectations. We’ve been there and done that.To help you get started, we also offer resources tailored for healthcare marketing, like our ebook, “How to Build a Content Strategy for Your Healthcare Practice.” If you’re ready to elevate your practice, reach out for a free consultation, and let us help you create a winning plan

Why Digital Marketing is Important for Small Businesses

As a small business owner, you have a lot on your plate – from managing daily operations to ensuring customer satisfaction. With a limited budget and resources, entering the world of online marketing can seem daunting. But did you know that digital marketing offers an easier and more cost-effective way for small businesses to thrive?

In a nutshell, digital marketing can help you:

  • Reach more people
  • Build a larger loyal customer base
  • Increase your return on investment (ROI)

In this blog, we’ll delve into the benefits of digital marketing for small businesses so you understand why it’s something you really can’t afford to ignore —  and we’ll share practical tips to help you get started!

The Benefits of Digital Marketing for Small Businesses

The true power of digital marketing lies in its ability to dramatically increase your business’s visibility and exposure. By embracing digital strategies, you can connect with more people and build stronger relationships without losing your local charm.

Reach a Wider Audience: Digital marketing helps small businesses broaden their reach, whether locally or globally. With the internet, your local store can attract customers from nearby neighborhoods or from across the world, depending on your goals.

Building Customer Relationships: Digital marketing plays a crucial role in creating and nurturing customer relationships through personalized communication. Tools like social media allow you to interact directly with your customers, building a loyal community around your brand. You can maintain that homegrown feel of being a small local business while sharing your story across channels.

Cost-Effectiveness and ROI: Compared to traditional marketing, digital marketing is far more affordable and provides a higher return on investment. With targeted and measurable strategies, you can make the most out of your marketing budget. The scalability of digital marketing means you can start small and expand your efforts as your business grows, ensuring that you get the best possible results without overspending.

Essential Digital Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for Online Visibility

  • SEO is crucial for all businesses because it boosts visibility in search engines, helping potential customers find you. 93% of online experiences start with a search engine, and top results get the most leads.
  • For brick-and-mortar stores, local SEO helps attract nearby customers. Optimize your Google My Business listing, use local keywords, and gather positive reviews to improve local search rankings. For businesses with a service area or no physical presence, focus on producing high-quality content and link-building to reach a broader audience.

Leveraging Social Media for Growth

  • Social media platforms are cost-effective for engaging customers and building brand awareness. They’re free to use and great for reaching a broad audience.
  • For small businesses, social media marketing levels the playing field with larger chains. You can share your unique story, promote special offers, and connect personally with customers.

Building and Maintaining a Positive Online Reputation

  • Online reviews shape how potential customers perceive your business. Managing your online reputation builds trust and sets you apart from competitors – even large companies.
  • Encouraging satisfied customers to leave reviews is a powerful and free strategy that can elevate your online presence above the competition, as it also impacts your ranking in local business searches.

Establishing Your Online Home Base

  • A professional website is essential for credibility and visibility. It’s your online hub where customers learn about your products/services, make purchases, and contact you.
  • A well-designed website legitimizes your business. Start with a cost-effective template if custom design is out of budget, ensuring it’s mobile-friendly and easy to navigate.

Why Investing in Digital Marketing Services Pays Off

Starting Small and Growing Big: It’s okay to start small. You don’t need to invest a massive amount right away. A good digital marketing agency understands the constraints of a small business budget and will work with you to maximize your resources. By starting with the essentials and gradually expanding your efforts, you can build a strong digital presence without breaking the bank.

Cost-Effective Strategies: Hiring a professional helps you spend your marketing dollars where they will make the most impact. With expert guidance, you can be sure you get the most bang for your buck. 

Outsourcing for Efficiency: Outsourcing digital marketing tasks allows you to focus on what you do best – running your business. It saves you time and the headache of trying to master complex marketing strategies on your own. An experienced agency brings expertise and a fresh perspective to your marketing efforts, ensuring that your campaigns are effective and up-to-date with the latest trends.

Scaling with Your Growth: A reliable digital marketing agency will grow with you. As your business expands, your marketing needs will evolve. A good agency will adapt its strategies to meet your changing requirements, helping you scale your marketing efforts efficiently. This partnership ensures that your business continues to thrive without the constant need to find new marketing solutions.

Get Started with a Digital Marketing Agency that Understands Small Businesses

No matter where you are in your marketing journey—whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to take your efforts to the next level—Curiosity Marketing Group is here to help. We have years of experience working with small businesses and know how to create strategies that drive growth. We’re excited to meet you, understand your goals, and help transform your business. Reach out to us today!

SEO vs SEM: Unveiling the Secrets Behind Search Engine Success

How do you get eyes on your business site? It often begins with a search. And that’s where SEO vs SEM comes into play.

Whether it’s a quick search for a “coffee shop near me” or a more specific query about the “best noise-canceling headphones,” search engines like Google and Bing play a crucial role in connecting your business with potential customers. The better your visibility on these search engines, the more likely you are to attract this traffic to your site and not let it slip away to your competitors. How do you achieve that visibility? SEM or Search Engine Marketing is your strategy for showing up in searches. But what about SEO? We’ll take a look at that too.

The Difference Between SEO vs SEM

SEM and SEO both play a role in boosting your ranking in search engines. The main difference is that SEM is the overarching strategy designed to increase visibility on search engines. It encompasses strategies like SEO and Paid Search (PPC), meaning that SEO is just a subset of SEM. Let’s take a look at the two main strategies under the SEM umbrella.

Diagram breaking SEM into its two main strategies: SEO and PPC

The Components of SEM: PPC and SEO

Ever noticed those ads at the top of your search results when you’re looking for something online? And then the list of websites that pop up right after those ads? That’s PPC and SEO at work, and here’s how you can tell them apart:

  • PPC (Pay-Per-Click): These are the ads you see right at the top of the search engine results, usually marked with a “Sponsored” tag. It’s like a fast pass—companies pay to get in front of the line, ensuring their site pops up first when you’re searching. Each click costs a bit, but it’s a quick way to get seen.
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Just below those paid spots, you’ll find the organic, unpaid search results. This is where SEO shines. It’s all about making your site the best answer to what people are searching for, naturally drawing them in. No payments for clicks here; it’s about playing the long game by enhancing your content and user experience.

When you search for something, this layout—with PPC ads on top and organic SEO results following—helps you see where businesses are putting their money to grab your attention. Knowing how these pieces fit together gives you a clearer picture of what it takes to make your website stand out in the crowded world of online search.

Search engine results showing paid search ads (PPC) at the top and organic searches below (SEO)

Paid Search (PPC): The Paid Side of SEM

What is PPC?

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is a model where businesses pay each time someone clicks on one of their online ads. It’s one of the quickest ways to draw eyes and traffic to your website. Essentially, it’s like buying visits rather than earning them organically through SEO.

Immediate Benefits

The biggest draw for PPC is the near-immediate visibility. Within moments of setting up a PPC campaign, you can be at the top of search results for highly competitive keywords. This visibility is especially crucial when you’re looking to drive traffic during specific promotions or targeting time-sensitive offers.

Paid Search (PPC) Strategies

  1. Keyword Targeting: Selecting the right keywords is critical in PPC campaigns. Tools like Google AdWords allow you to bid on keywords relevant to your target audience, ensuring your ads appear to potential customers who are actively searching for what you offer.
  2. Ad Copy Optimization: Crafting compelling ad copy is vital. This includes the headline, description, and call to action. Your ad copy should be direct and incentivize users to click through to your website.
  3. Landing Page Alignment: Your ad should lead to a landing page that delivers on what the ad promises. This page should be optimized for conversions, providing a clear path for users to follow, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or another specific action.
  4. Budget Management: Managing your budget effectively ensures you do not overspend on your PPC campaigns. Setting limits and adjusting bids according to the performance can help maximize ROI and keep you from throwing money to the wind.


PPC campaigns can be launched quickly and provide immediate results, which is perfect for short-term goals or promotional periods. However, they require continuous optimization and budget adjustment to maintain effectiveness.

Did You Know? PPC ads can increase brand awareness by up to 80%, and the top 3 paid advertising spots get 46% of the clicks on the page.

SEO: The Organic Side of SEM

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in the organic, unpaid search results of search engines. Unlike PPC, SEO focuses on earning traffic through credibility and relevance rather than buying it directly. It’s about making your website the best possible result for a user’s search query.

Long-Term Growth and Sustainability

SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. Its benefits are numerous, but they take a bit more time to cultivate. Once you get started with SEO, you can start to expect:

  • Increased visibility over time, which helps build brand authority and trust.
  • Sustained traffic without the ongoing costs associated with PPC.
  • Better user experience, making it more likely that visitors will stay on your site, explore, and convert into customers.

SEO Strategies

  1. Keyword Research and Optimization: Identifying and integrating relevant keywords throughout your content helps search engines understand and rank your pages for those terms.
  2. Content Creation: Regularly publishing high-quality, informative, and relevant content attracts and engages visitors, which, in turn, improves search rankings.
  3. On-Page Optimization: Ensuring that all technical aspects of your pages (like meta tags, headers, and images) are optimized to help search engines and users navigate and understand your site better.
  4. Link Building: Acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable sites not only drives direct traffic but also boosts your site’s authority and ranking.
  5. Performance Optimization: Speeding up your website and enhancing mobile-friendliness are crucial for keeping both visitors and search engines happy.

Want to get into the nitty-gritty of what goes into SEO? Check out our blog on Everything You Need to Know About What Makes a Good SEO Strategy.

SEO Timeline

SEO efforts often take months to start showing significant results. However, the gains from these efforts are more durable and cost-effective over the long term. Plus, relying solely on paid search strategies can get expensive without also investing in SEO. As you’ll see, they sort of go hand-in-hand.

Did You Know? Businesses implementing robust SEO strategies can see a return on investment (ROI) five times greater than with traditional marketing over several years. SEO also leads to an average close rate of 14.6% for new leads, significantly higher than traditional methods.

How PPC and SEO Work Together in SEM

While PPC and SEO strategies might seem like opposite sides of the SEM coin, they tend to provide the best results when implemented together. There is actually quite a bit of overlap in the strategies, and the successes achieved with one feed the success of the other. If online visibility is your goal, you’ll want to take a look at how both contribute to the overarching SEM puzzle. Here’s how:

Dominating Paid AND Organic Search:
Having both strong SEO and PPC strategies means covering more ground in SERPs. It increases the chances that searchers will click through to your site, whether they’re clicking on an ad or an organic listing.

Reducing PPC Costs through Effective SEO:
If you’re looking for more reasons why PPC and SEO belong together, how about cost savings? Well-implemented SEO strategies can significantly decrease your PPC costs. By improving the quality score of your landing pages—enhancing their relevance and user experience, that is—you can achieve lower CPCs Cost Per Click). Search engines reward ads that provide a good user experience with a higher ad rank at a lower cost.

Keyword and Conversion Data Sharing:
PPC campaigns provide immediate feedback on keyword effectiveness that can be used to refine SEO strategies. On the other hand, SEO data can inform more effective PPC keyword targeting, ensuring a cohesive approach to search marketing. 

Testing and Optimization:
PPC is a great tool for testing. You can use it to experiment with different keywords, ad copy, and landing pages to see what performs best. These insights can then be applied to your SEO strategy, particularly in optimizing meta descriptions, page titles, and content for higher conversions.

Supporting Content and Seasonal Campaigns:
PPC can be particularly useful for promoting new content or seasonal offers until your SEO efforts gain traction. It supports SEO by driving traffic to newly optimized pages faster, which can accelerate the indexing and ranking process.

Deciding Between PPC, SEO, or a Combined Approach

When to Choose What

Choosing the right approach in search engine marketing can make a big difference in your results. Here are some scenarios to consider when deciding between PPC, SEO, or using both:

  • PPC for Quick Impact: If you’re launching a new product, running a promotion, or need to see immediate results, PPC is the way to go. It allows you to appear at the top of search results quickly and can generate significant traffic and conversions right when you need them.
  • SEO for Sustainable Growth: For building a strong, long-term presence on search engines that brings in ongoing, cost-effective traffic, SEO is your best bet. It’s ideal for establishing credibility and authority in your industry over time.
  • Combined Approach for Comprehensive Coverage: When you want to maximize your visibility and cover all bases, combining SEO and PPC can be powerful. Use PPC to cover competitive keywords that are tough to rank for organically, while SEO builds a solid foundation of organic traffic.

Final Thoughts on SEO and SEM

Remember, think of SEM as the umbrella that covers everything from SEO and PPC to even more specialized strategies. And yes, there’s more—such as Technical SEO, which lays the foundational elements for your site’s SEO performance, and Local SEO, designed to optimize your visibility in specific geographic areas.

Choosing the right mix isn’t always straightforward—it depends on what you’re trying to achieve, who you’re competing against, and how quickly you need results. Crafting a strategy that’s just right for your business means not just spending money, but making it work effectively for you.

Don’t go at it alone. At Curiosity Marketing Group, we help make SEM (and SEO) understandable and manageable. Whether you’re starting fresh or looking to improve your current SEO and SEM strategies, we’re here to guide you.

Curious about your site’s performance? Why not try our free site audit?
We’ll show you where you excel and where you could use some work. Get in touch today for a personalized SEO/PPC strategy consultation. Together, we’ll make sure your SEM efforts are hitting the mark.

How to Create Effective, Personalized Marketing Experiences (Without Being Creepy)

In the modern era of data-driven marketing, crafting personalized marketing experiences that resonate with your audience without overstepping privacy boundaries has become a crucial challenge. As marketers, we’ve all seen the power of content personalization and hyper personalization in capturing audience attention and fostering engagement.

Leveraging Personalization Tools to Understand Your Audience

The first step to creating effective personalized content is understanding your audience. Personalization tools can be leveraged to gain valuable insights into your customers’ behaviors and preferences, allowing you to tailor your messaging to resonate with each unique individual. Whether it’s segmenting your audience based on shared characteristics, tracking their behavior to understand their preferences, or leveraging AI algorithms to predict future trends, these tools can be game-changers in the realm of personalized marketing.

Applying Advanced Advertising Tactics for Personalized Marketing Experiences

With a good grasp of your audience, it’s time to apply advanced advertising tactics. These tactics leverage various data points to deliver a truly personalized marketing experience. Geofencing targeting can make your messaging more relevant to consumers based on their physical location. Addressable advertising allows for personalized ads to be delivered across multiple devices, enhancing ad relevance. IP targeting and keyword targeting make your messaging highly specific, and site retargeting helps keep your brand top of mind for consumers who’ve shown interest in your offerings. Category contextual targeting ensures your ads reach audiences on websites or web pages relevant to your products or services, thus reaching a more interested audience.

Balancing Data Targeting with Privacy in Personalized Marketing

An integral part of creating personalized marketing experiences is data targeting. This involves using real-time data, such as browsing behavior and purchase history, to deliver highly relevant marketing messages. However, striking a balance between personalization and privacy is vital. Always be transparent about how you collect and use data, give users control over their information, and never sacrifice trust for personalization.

Crafting Eye-Catching, Personalized Ad Designs

With the right blend of these techniques, creating personalized ad designs becomes an exciting endeavor. You can craft ads that not only catch the eye but also speak directly to the viewer’s preferences and needs. Whether it’s using color schemes that resonate with your audience, integrating personalized messages, or optimizing ad layouts for different platforms, the opportunities are endless in creating ads that truly stand out.

Ready to Elevate Your Personalized Marketing Strategy?

We understand the intricacies of personalized marketing, along with the expertise to implement a range of advanced advertising tactics effectively, ensuring your marketing efforts hit the mark every time. We’re here to guide you in delivering personalized marketing experiences that respect customer privacy and genuinely resonate with your audience. Ready to get started? Contact us today to explore how we can help you enhance your personalized marketing strategy.

Key Marketing Metrics: How to Measure Success

Are you trying to make the most of your marketing efforts but don’t know how well they’re performing? Alright, well, we are going to get a tad technical in here, but stay with us! We promise we will help break this down for you so you can see success in your marketing strategies. Come with us on a journey to unlock the true power of your campaigns and measure their success through key marketing metrics. So stick around and read on as we discuss five key marketing metrics you should be tracking in order to measure success!

Cost per Acquisition (CPA)

How Much Did it Cost You to Acquire a Customer

Cost per Acquisition (CPA) is one of the metrics that matter most for marketers. It measures how much it costs to acquire a customer, which makes it an invaluable tool when tracking marketing metrics. Understanding CPA helps marketers optimize their campaigns and adjust them to get the results they want in future ones. Anything from spending less money on ads or focusing on different channels can be used to modify CPA, making it a vital feature of any marketing campaign worth its metrics.

Return on Investment (ROI)

How Much Money Was Earned Back From Initial Investments in Marketing Campaigns

When it comes to our marketing campaigns, we’re always interested in cashing in on our investments––literally. That’s why we track and measure ROI; to make sure that the money we initially put in is returned in spades. We keep a close eye on cpc (cost-per-click) tracking and other metrics to quantify our success. After all, when you invest your hard-earned money into something, you want to be assured of the payoff!

Conversion Rate (CR)

The Percentage of Visitors Who Take an Action on Your Website or Landing Page

Knowing how to measure the success of your marketing campaigns is key – enter conversion rate (CR). CR shows how many of the people who have visited your website or landing page have completed an action. It could be signing up for an email list, buying a product, or downloading an app – all ways conversion rate helps you track how effective your campaigns are and how engaged customers are. Keep tabs on customer engagement metrics in combination with how well you’re able to reach your desired target audience and voila – you’ll know exactly how well your marketing strategies are performing!

Click-through Rate (CTR)

The number of Click-throughs Compared to the Total Number of Impressions Generated

Click-through rate (CTR) gives important insight into engagement metrics, helping marketers understand how many people are interested enough in a piece of content to actually click on it. CTR is like the click to open rate for an email – how enticing does an email have to be in order for someone to take further action and click through? CTR measures engagement and helps marketers determine how to create better content that resonates with their target audience. Although there are other conversion metrics such as sales, revenue, impact and engagement that measure marketing performance, CTR helps provide quick insight into engagement at the first point of contact.

Engagement Rate (ER)

The Level of Engagement With Content, Measured by Likes, Comments and Shares on Social Media

Engagement rate (ER) is one customer engagement metric that marketers and agencies look to for understanding the customer’s reaction to digital content. This metric measures response and customer interaction with posts, articles or videos – likes, comments and shares on social media – and gives a quick understanding of how successful campaigns have been in terms of customer engagement. Although it may appear simplistic on the surface, an accurate interpretation of this metric takes into account the customer’s behavior to uncover their response to your brand or product over time. The modern savvy customer responds to what resonates best with them, so it’s important for brands to keep track of ER as well as other engagement metrics.

Tracking marketing metrics can provide vital information about different aspects of your campaign progress. Both new marketing efforts and years-old strategy can benefit from the essential key marketing metrics to help adjust your strategy accordingly. And if you ever find yourself stuck, remember that Curiosity Marketing Group is here to help! From keeping track of cost per acquisition to improving click-through rates on social media posts, we leverage our expertise in the industry and tailor our approach to fit your individual needs. So don’t hesitate – contact us today for the metrics that matter!

Geofencing VS Geotargeting – The Who’s Who of Geotactics

Geofencing and Geotargeting are often used interchangeably due to being part of the same Geotactics family, but in all actuality, they could not be more different. Geotactic sounds like a word used in military strategy, right? Or maybe even a game of chess? Well, you’re close, sort of. Geotactics may make your head spin at first, but with patience and research, and our help, it’s not too difficult to master – And it comes with some fantastic rewards if done right!

What is Geofencing?

Geofencing advertising is a clever way for businesses to target their marketing efforts at customers who are most likely to convert. That means a better return on their investment! By drawing a virtual barrier around a location using users’ IP addresses, businesses can pinpoint their audience and deliver customized messages or offers directly to them. Geofencing also allows businesses to measure real-time analytics of the people entering and leaving the specified area, allowing them to tailor their ad campaigns even further. Geofencing really is a smart way to think outside the box when it comes to targeting potential customers.

What are the Benefits of Geofencing?

Geofencing has numerous benefits. It’s not only cost-effective but also far more efficient than traditional forms of marketing that require extensive data collection, analysis and interpretation. Additionally, businesses can track the success of their ads in real-time, making it easier to adjust or update campaigns as needed.

Explore the world of advanced advertising strategies.

What is Geotargeting?

Geotargeting is all about being specific. It gives you the power to really narrow down and hone in on certain customer indicators, demographics, behaviors and interests – which means your ads get delivered only to people who you know will be interested and have a genuine connection to the products you are advertising. Geotargeting just makes sense – instead of wasting time, why not go directly to the source?

What are the Benefits of Geotargeting?

Geotargeting takes advertising to the next level! By refining the targeting criteria and adding an element of location, businesses are able to display more relevant ads that have much greater success rates. Now that’s what we like to hear! Geotargeting offers a new level of efficiency in large campaigns and can specifically target potential customers without expanding too much beyond the defined radius. Geotargeting is definitely the way forward for all smart businesses that want to increase marketing success!

There you have it – Geofencing and Geotargeting! Now that you know the who’s who of Geotactics put them to good use in your marketing strategy. If you need help incorporating these location-based advertising tactics into your plan, look no further than Curiosity Marketing Group. Our team of experienced marketers will work with you to create a customized plan that exceeds your business goals.

If you are curious about Geotactics and Geotargeting, contact Curiosity Marketing Group!

What’s the difference between CTV, OTT, and Linear TV?

When it comes to getting your television ad on the air in front of thousands of eyes to see, there are a few new routes to take, thanks to ever-advancing technology. We know what you’re thinking, but trust us – The differences between each advertising channel are not as complicated as they may seem! Stick with us, and we’ll make it short, sweet and to the point.

Connected TV (CTV)

CTV encompasses any internet-connected device that can stream content online, such as smart TVs, gaming systems, and streaming sticks. Connected TV has been quietly revolutionizing the advertising industry. In a nutshell, Connective TV is a way for advertisers to put their message in front of potential customers through streaming platforms such as Hulu and Netflix. So, while you are relaxing on your couch with snacks in-hand streaming your favorite show or movie, Connected TV advertisements make sure that you get a glimpse of what’s being offered on the market along the way. 

Connected TV offers tremendous value to advertisers as it allows them to target very specific audiences and measure success closely— something most traditional marketing channels undeniably lack. All things considered, Connected TV advertising provides an easy and efficient way to reach large audiences without spending too much money. We say it’s definitely worth checking out!

Want more? Head over to our Advanced Advertising Strategy page!

Over the Top (OTT)

OTT refers to any streaming service that allows users to access content without a cable or satellite subscription (e.g. Disney Plus, Netflix). Over the Top (OTT) advertising is taking the marketing world by storm because it utilizes various streaming services to reach consumers where they’re watching their favorite shows. OTT bridges the gap between TV networks and advertisers by targeting viewers who actually engage with advertisements. Instead of simply showing a 30-second spot between segments, OTT ads can hold viewers’ attention longer by mixing elements from both television and digital advertising formats – providing endless opportunities for personalized and interactive campaigns. We know, it almost sounds too good to be true – But it is! All in all, it’s great news for businesses who are looking for innovative methods for reaching their target audience!

Linear TV

Linear TV is the traditional cable television you’re used to. Think of it as “linear programming” because one program follows another in chronological order. Linear TV reaches viewers on scheduled television programming with video commercials, making them ideal for long-term campaigns and larger target audiences. Linear TV can be a great way to reach a large audience and communicate your message – but it can also be expensive and time-consuming.

Hit it big with your next ad campaign!

Creating a Diverse Ad Strategy

With Linear TV, Over the Top (OTT) and Connected TV (CTV) advertising on the rise, creating a diverse TV ad strategy is more important than ever. We’ve got you covered! To stand out from the competition, we take an omnichannel approach that reaches consumers across a variety of media outlets. Integrating Linear TV with OTT and CTV is the cornerstone of any smart advertising campaign with goals of reaching a wider audience. After all, why limit yourself to just one option when you can have it all? Let’s do this!

If you’re curious about OTT, CTV, and Linear TV, contact Curiosity Marketing Group!

Industry Best Practices for Geotactics

Geotargeting is a rather new tactic for marketing. It allows companies to create targeted ads based on the location of the person you want to see the ad. So, what does that mean for you? Well, simply put, it means more traffic. Specifically, it means that the traffic you are receiving is targeted more accurately and that your audience is being shown important information about your business at the time when it is most crucial when they are close by.

What can Geotactics do for you?

Have you ever been out of town on vacation and gotten hungry? Most of us have. You pick up your phone, open google, and type in “food near me.” For this example, we are going to say “pizza.” Geotargeting allows you to see every pizza place within a set distance from your location. Awesome, right? Well, that can happen for anything. Pizza, clothing, cars, mechanic shops, marketing companies, and more! We can help integrate geotargeting for you, or you can use these 5 best practices to make your own geotargeting efforts efficient and successful!

Be One with the Locals

If you are using geotargeting to capture the audience of a specific area, do your research and make sure that your ad makes you sound like one of the locals. This is important. If you sound like someone who has never been to a place and knows nothing about the culture, it’s more likely someone will choose a company that does have that voice.

Optimize Your Ads

Make sure that your geotargeting is optimized in a way that considers your available open hours and high-traffic times at your location. The worst-case scenario is that someone sees your advertisement and they want to give you their business, but you aren’t even open to accommodate them.

Test Small, Launch Big

Test your ad campaigns in an exceedingly small and localized area to see if they are going to perform well before launching them on a larger scale. You want to make sure that people are accepting of what you have before more eyes are made aware of your ads.

Check, and Then Check Again

When it comes to geotargeting, you want to make sure that you are targeting the correct area. You may have put in “London” but were not aware that it was sending you to London, Kentucky, and not London, England. This is definitely an important distinction, to say the least.

Exclude Poor Performing Areas

If you have launched an ad campaign that has integrated geotactics and it is performing well in some areas while it is a flop in others, don’t be scared to remove those areas from the ad. Maybe even try some other areas or criteria. You never know where you may see the most success!

How can a professional advertising agency help?

So, now you know a bit about what geotactics are and some tips on how to use them efficiently. If you’re curious as to how the professionals at Curiosity Marketing Group can help. Partnering with a professional geotactics ad agency doesn’t have to be intimidating. With the appropriate resources and expertise, your business can benefit from taking work off of your plate and getting the experts involved. Not only will you gain access to experienced personnel that know how to maximize results, but you’ll also save time and money. When you partner with our professional advertising company, there’s no need to worry about tackling complex tasks without the correct knowledge – we’ll do it all for you!

Let us make your curiosity a reality – Contact us today to integrate geotactics into your advertising strategy!

Creative Ad Tactics that Boost ROI

Creative Ads. You know what it means. You have seen them everywhere. Do you know how to create them? If your answer is no, we are here to help! It isn’t always easy to keep your readers’ attention. It can be even more difficult to drive them toward a purchase. Check out our proven ad tactics to get to know our advertising agency.

If you want to get involved and give creative advertising a try yourself, try these solutions to help gain that return on your investment that you are looking for!

Proven Strategies for Your Ads

So you made it this far. Congratulations! So, you want tips to make your ads more creative and to make people feel like they NEED to indulge in whatever it is that you are advertising. Well, without further ado…

Know Your Competitors

Your competition has, without a doubt, done their research. They have seen what the market has to offer, and they have pinpointed it. Don’t be afraid to take a look at their ads and pick out some of the talking points they have included that also pertain to you. Then, do it better!

Obsess Over Your Headlines

The headline is the first piece of bait that you put out. If someone sees your headline and skips over it without the smallest hesitation, you have lost. If you are happy with your advertisement but it is not gaining the traction that you had hoped for, try changing your headlines and see if something else works better. You may be surprised at the change in engagement.

Avoid Industry Jargon

Use plain English in every instance that you can. Yes, we know that you know your industry! The reader may not, but they can understand factual information and hard numbers. Test specific numbers and statistics of your product or service. If one statistic isn’t gaining that clickthrough traffic that you are looking for, switch it up to another that you feel is important and see if that helps.

Get to the Point

You must grab the reader’s attention immediately. The public is used to scrolling quickly through social media and will only click on something if it REALLY catches their eye! It is of utmost importance to get your message across and do so quickly and efficiently while also being interesting enough to deserve a click. It sounds difficult, but with some research and a little dedication, you will get the hang of it quickly!

Appeal to the Reader’s Emotions

One of the quickest ways to gain a reader’s full attention is to make them have an emotional response. Truthfully, which emotion is up to your writing style and brand voice, but that evocation of emotion will help you gain traction with your audience!

Make Your Investment Matter

Whether you have invested money, time or both into your advertising, you always want to do your best to see a maximized return on that investment. As the old saying goes, time is money. If you are putting your best foot forward and all due diligence is given to your success, you will see results. Creative ad creation is one of the more difficult sides of marketing but can also be the most rewarding. If you would prefer to skip over the process of learning it all yourself, check out our professional advertising services, and then contact us to tackle it for you!

2022 Holiday Marketing Trends: What Consumers Are Planning to Spend On

The holiday season is rapidly approaching, and businesses are starting to prepare for the influx of shoppers. But what are consumers planning to spend their money on? How can your businesses capitalize on this information? Keep reading for our holiday marketing trends guide, where we’ll break down consumer spending by category and give you tips on how to reach these shoppers!

Holiday Shopping Trends & Statistics

As holiday shoppers begin to plan for the upcoming season, many are resolved to spending less this year. A recent holiday insights report found that Consumers are planning to cut back on holiday spending, with 41% saying they’ll spend less than last year. 

This holiday season, marketers will need to be more strategic in their advertising and holiday marketing campaigns. One way to do this is by focusing on value-based messages that highlight the quality of the product or service rather than its cost. Additionally, marketers can look for opportunities to partner with other brands to offer holiday discounts and deals. By thinking outside the box, marketers can still reach holiday shoppers who are looking to save this season.

As the holiday season approaches, retailers begin to ramp up their marketing efforts. And for good reason – according to recent studies, people are increasingly putting off their holiday shopping until later in the season. In fact, some people wait until the last minute to make their holiday purchases. This presents a challenge for retailers, who need to find ways to reach these procrastinators. One potential solution is to focus on holiday marketing ideas that emphasize convenience and ease of purchase. For example, retailers could offer holiday-themed click-and-collect options or create holiday marketing campaigns specifically targeted at last-minute shoppers. By understanding the behaviors of late shoppers, retailers can adapt their strategies and make the most of the holiday shopping season.

Online Holiday Shopping Trends

For many of us, the holiday season is a time to celebrate with family and friends, but it can also be a time of stress and anxiety, especially when it comes to holiday shopping. 32% of people say they plan to do more holiday shopping online this year to avoid the crowds and save time. And it’s not just about buying gifts for loved ones – many people are also using the internet to do their holiday shopping for groceries, decorations, and other holiday essentials.

With so many people shopping online, it’s important for businesses to have a strong online presence during the holiday season. Here are some holiday marketing ideas to help you get started:

  • Use social media to promote special holiday deals and discounts.
  • Create holiday-themed landing pages on your website.
  • Send out email newsletters with gift guides and latest product releases.
  • Run targeted online ads featuring holiday discounts and promotions.

Holiday In Store Shopping Trends

As the winter holidays approach, shoppers are weighing their options for how to get the best deals on gifts. For some, going into a brick-and-mortar store is still the preferred option, even though it may be more crowded than shopping online. There are a few reasons for this. First, shoppers can see and touch the merchandise in person, which can give them a better idea of whether it’s a good fit. Second, they can interact with salespeople and get help with finding the right gift. And finally, there’s something about the hustle and bustle of the holiday season that just can’t be replicated online. While online shopping is convenient and popular, some shoppers are ready to brave the crowds and enjoy the holiday atmosphere in store.

Creating Successful Holiday Marketing Campaigns

The holiday season is a key time for retailers and brands to connect with consumers and drive sales. According to holiday insights, holiday marketing starts as early as October, and holiday shopping peaks in November and December. Consumers are bombarded with holiday deals and promotions from retailers and brands. As a result, holiday shoppers are looking for brands and retailers that offer the best deals on quality products.

To maximize holiday profits, marketers need to create well-planned holiday marketing campaigns that take advantage of holiday spending trends. One effective holiday marketing strategy is to focus on gifting occasions such as Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa. By creating holiday-specific marketing campaigns, businesses can tap into the increased spending that occurs during these times.

Additionally, to be successful during the holiday season, retailers and brands need to have a solid holiday marketing strategy. This includes understanding consumer behavior, knowing which holidays are most important to shoppers, and promoting the right deals at the right time. In addition, retailers and brands need to be prepared to meet the needs of holiday shoppers. This means having enough inventory on hand to meet demand, offering convenient shipping options, and providing excellent customer service. By understanding the needs of holiday shoppers and delivering on their expectations, retailers and brands can build strong relationships with consumers that last beyond the holiday season.

Contact the holiday marketing gurus at Curiosity Marketing Group to get started on a successful campaign this holiday season!