5 Ways to Stay Connected with Customers During Social Media Downtime

Social media has woven itself into the very fabric of modern business strategy, particularly for the small business owner looking to carve out a significant space in the marketplace. With platforms like Facebook and Instagram, businesses have access to millions of monthly active users, ready to engage with content, products, and services. It’s a cost-effective way to boost your social presence, driving both engagement and sales through targeted social media marketing for small business strategies. The power of these platforms lies not just in their vast reach but in their ability to foster direct and meaningful connections between businesses and their audience.

The March 5 Outage and its Impact on Businesses

However, March 5, 2024, served as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities inherent in over-reliance on any single channel. With Facebook down, Instagram down, and reports flooding in about the social media outage affecting users nationwide, the fragility of digital reliance became apparent. For more than an hour, businesses found themselves cut off from their primary communication channels, highlighting an immediate need for a more resilient strategy. This incident wasn’t just a temporary inconvenience; for many, especially those in the thick of crucial sales or customer service operations, it was a wake-up call. The downtime underscored the potential losses—be it in sales, customer trust, or engagement—when the digital threads connecting businesses to their customers are unexpectedly severed.

The Importance of Diversifying Marketing Channels

This event brings into sharp focus the importance of diversifying marketing channels. Relying solely on social media for customer engagement and sales is akin to building your house on a single pillar—stable until the unpredictable happens. In today’s dynamic digital landscape, it’s essential to expand your toolkit, incorporating a mix of traditional and digital channels to maintain that crucial connection with your audience. For the savvy small business owner, this means embracing a broad spectrum of platforms and strategies for social media management and beyond, ensuring that when one channel experiences a hiccup, your business continues to communicate, engage, and grow uninterrupted.

1. Double Down on Email Marketing

Let’s face it: when social media takes a nosedive and platforms like Facebook and Instagram suddenly go dark, it can feel like we’re cut off from our customers. It’s more than just an inconvenience; it’s a missed opportunity for engagement and sales. But here’s the silver lining—this is your cue to spotlight email marketing, a channel you’ve already got at your fingertips, and turn a temporary setback into a strategic advantage.

Keep Your Audience in the Loop with an Informational Email

First up, keep your subscribers in the loop. A sudden Facebook or Instagram down situation can create confusion and frustration. Seize this moment to send out an informational email. This isn’t just about acknowledging the outage but reinforcing your presence. Share a valuable blog post that provides insights or solutions related to the outage, announce an exciting new product launch, or extend a special discount. The key here is to offer genuine value, transforming a potential setback into an opportunity to deepen customer engagement.

Make It Personal: Segment Your Audience

Generic blasts are out; personalized communication is in. Segment your email list based on customer interests and past interactions. By tailoring your messages, you not only heighten the relevance of your emails but also significantly enhance the likelihood of fostering stronger connections. This segmentation allows you to send targeted content that resonates on a personal level, making your brand not just seen but felt.

Rekindle Old Flames with Re-Engagement Campaigns

It’s natural for email engagement to ebb and flow, but don’t let silence turn into disengagement. Utilize this time to rekindle the spark with subscribers who haven’t interacted with your brand in a while. Craft a heartfelt “We Miss You!” campaign, offering exclusive deals or highlighting the invaluable benefits of being a part of your email community. These campaigns can serve as a gentle reminder of your brand’s value, encouraging lapsed subscribers to re-engage and rediscover what they’ve been missing.

Incorporating these strategies within your email marketing efforts not only demonstrates adaptability but also underscores your commitment to maintaining a continuous, meaningful dialogue with your audience. By doubling down on email marketing, you ensure that your voice remains heard, your presence felt, and your brand resilient, no matter what digital challenges may arise.

2. Leverage Your Website and Blog

Think of your website as your digital storefront—it’s always open, even when social media decides to take a break. This is your turf, where you control the narrative and the content, making it an ideal spot to keep the conversation going with your audience. Here’s how to make sure your website and blog are more than just a backup plan; they’re integral parts of your communication strategy.

Keep the Content Coming

Social media is down? No problem. Your website is up and running, and it’s hungry for content. This is the time to roll out fresh blog posts that resonate with your audience’s needs and interests. Share the latest industry news, insights, or tips that your customers would find useful. Ever thought about hosting a live Q&A session directly on your site? Now’s as good a time as any because here’s the kicker: while social platforms might be hitting a snag, search engines are still going strong. Quality content published on your blog or website remains discoverable in search results, ensuring you can still reach your audience. It’s all about providing value and keeping your audience engaged, proving that your digital presence extends far beyond the realms of social media.

Smart Use of Website Pop-Ups

Pop-ups can be a bit like cilantro; people either love them or hate them. But when used correctly, they can spice up your website effectively. The key is not to bombard your visitors but to offer them something they’ll find valuable. Maybe it’s an invite to join your email list for exclusive insights or a free download of a guide or tool that can help them in some way. These strategic pop-ups serve as gentle nudges for visitors to engage further with your brand, turning casual browsers into potential leads.

Mobile Optimization is Non-Negotiable

In today’s world, if your website isn’t friendly to a smartphone, it’s not friendly at all. With more people accessing the internet via their phones than ever before, ensuring your site is mobile-optimized is crucial. This means fast load times, easy navigation, and content that adjusts seamlessly to smaller screens. Especially during times when social media apps are down, your mobile-friendly website can be a beacon for lost souls looking for their internet fix. Make sure that beacon is shining bright and clear, guiding them right to your content and offerings.

Your website and blog aren’t just fallback options; they’re your online foundation. By keeping them stocked with engaging content, user-friendly with strategic pop-ups, and accessible through mobile optimization, you’re ensuring your business remains connected and communicative, no matter the state of social media. This proactive approach not only diversifies your online presence but also reinforces your brand’s resilience in the face of digital disruptions.

3. Explore Alternative Messaging Platforms

When social media is off the grid, it’s a golden opportunity to tap into the diverse world of alternative messaging platforms. These channels offer a direct and personal way to connect with your audience, ensuring your communication lines remain buzzing with activity. Let’s delve into how you can harness these platforms to keep the engagement alive and kicking.

Harness the Power of Text Marketing

Text messages have an impressive track record for high open rates, making SMS marketing a goldmine for direct communication with your customers. Imagine sending a quick update, a special promotion, or exclusive content right to their pockets. The immediacy and personal touch of a text message can dramatically boost engagement and keep your audience connected to your brand. However, remember the golden rule: always obtain consent before sending SMS messages. This not only respects your customers’ privacy but also ensures your marketing efforts are welcome, building trust and loyalty in the process.

Dive into Messaging Apps

With the rise of smartphone usage, messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram have become household names, with millions of active users daily. If your target audience frequents these platforms, why not meet them where they are? Create a dedicated group or channel for your business to share updates, host interactive polls, or provide stellar customer support. These platforms offer a more informal, conversational way to interact with your audience, fostering a sense of community and belonging. Just be sure to familiarize yourself with and adhere to platform-specific regulations to maintain a positive and compliant presence.

Exploring alternative messaging platforms when social media is down not only showcases your adaptability as a brand but also deepens your engagement with your audience through more personal and direct channels.

4. Direct Mail: A Tangible Touch in a Digital World

In our rush to embrace digital solutions for everything from communication to commerce, the unique appeal of direct mail as a marketing strategy has not diminished. Rather, it offers a compelling contrast to the ephemeral nature of online messages and notifications. While it’s true that not every mailbox drop is met with enthusiasm, when executed thoughtfully, direct mail can cut through the clutter of digital ads to deliver a memorable and engaging experience. Here’s a closer look at why incorporating direct mail into your customer relationship efforts can create meaningful connections and stand out in the crowded marketing landscape.

The Unmatched Impact of Direct Mail

Direct mail brings with it the power of tangibility—a rarity in today’s digital-first landscape. Sending out postcards with special offers or personalized messages does more than just communicate a promotion; it conveys thoughtfulness and consideration. This tangible connection fosters a unique bond between your brand and your customers, making them feel valued and remembered.

Opening the Door to Engagement: The 90% Statistic

One of the most compelling reasons to consider direct mail is its incredible open rate. According to the ANA, 90% of direct mail gets opened by the recipient. This statistic is not just a number; it’s a testament to the effectiveness of direct mail in reaching and engaging your audience. In a world where digital messages can be easily overlooked, direct mail stands out, ensuring your message not only reaches your customers but captures their attention.

Enhanced Recall and Brand Connection

Research indicates that physical materials, such as direct mail, have a more significant impact on memory and recall compared to digital content. This isn’t just about getting noticed—it’s about leaving a lasting impression. Personalized direct mail pieces are easier to remember and recall, enhancing brand recall and influencing decision-making over time. The sensory experience of interacting with a physical piece of mail—touching it, reading it, even smelling it—creates a memorable connection that digital interactions struggle to match.

By focusing on direct mail within your broader marketing strategy, you’re not only reaching your customers in their homes but also resonating with them on a deeper level. It’s a clear signal that your brand values genuine connections, going beyond the screen to engage in a manner that’s both meaningful and memorable. Direct mail, with its blend of personalization and physicality, ensures that your message is not just seen but felt, leaving a lasting imprint that can bolster customer relationships and brand loyalty.

5: Foster Brand Advocacy and Community Building

Building a community around your brand isn’t just about staying active on social media; it’s about engaging with your audience in ways that resonate deeply and foster genuine advocacy. During times when social media might be taking a timeout, there are powerful strategies you can employ to continue building that sense of community and support for your brand. Let’s delve into how focusing on customer reviews and creative contest strategies can elevate your brand’s presence and credibility.

The Currency of Customer Reviews

Think of customer reviews as the currency of the digital age—a crucial component of your brand’s online visibility and reputation. Positive feedback on platforms like Google My Business doesn’t just sing praises of your services or products; it signals to both prospective customers and search engines that your business is legitimate, trustworthy, and worthy of their time and investment. During social media downtime, it’s an opportune moment to remind your customers of the importance of their feedback. Encouraging them to leave a review is not just about collecting accolades; it’s about bolstering your local visibility and enhancing your search engine optimization efforts. Remember, a robust collection of positive reviews can be a game-changer for attracting new customers and establishing your business as a leader in its niche.

Want to learn how to get Google Reviews? Check out our comprehensive Google Review Guide.

Beyond Social Media: Contests and Giveaways

While social media platforms are popular venues for contests and giveaways, taking these activities off-platform can offer your business greater flexibility and control. For instance, the strict rules governing contests on platforms like Facebook—such as prohibitions against giving away physical goods or requiring specific actions like tagging and following—can significantly limit how you engage with your audience. By hosting contests and giveaways directly on your website or through email, you gain the freedom to set your own terms. This approach not only allows you to collect valuable customer contact information without running afoul of platform guidelines but also ensures that both your business and your customers derive tangible benefits from the engagement. Whether it’s gathering user-generated content, encouraging email sign-ups, or simply boosting your website’s traffic, running these promotions independently empowers you to craft more meaningful and mutually rewarding interactions.

In implementing these strategies, you’re not just filling the void left by social media downtime; you’re taking proactive steps to strengthen your brand’s community and advocacy. By valuing and actively seeking customer reviews and creatively engaging your audience with well-crafted contests, you underscore your commitment to building lasting relationships. These efforts not only enhance your brand’s reputation and visibility but also lay the groundwork for a vibrant community of loyal supporters.

Building Resilience in Your Marketing Strategy

If March 5th taught us anything, it’s that diversification isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a necessity. Relying solely on social media platforms for customer engagement and sales is akin to walking a tightrope without a safety net. We know that it’s extremely cliche saying this, but the digital landscape is ever-changing, and the tools we use today may not always be available tomorrow. By broadening your marketing approach to include email marketing, direct mail, alternative messaging platforms, and leveraging your website and blog, you’re not just mitigating risk; you’re enhancing your ability to connect with your audience in more meaningful ways.

These strategies underscore the importance of building a resilient marketing ecosystem—one that thrives on variety and adapts to change. Embracing this approach ensures your business remains visible, engaging, and ahead of the curve, no matter what surprises the digital world may bring.

We understand that navigating these waters can seem daunting, especially when you’re trying to run a business. If the thought of diversifying your marketing strategy feels overwhelming, know that you don’t have to go it alone. Curiosity Marketing Group is here to help you craft a tailored, dynamic marketing plan that not only future-proofs your advertising efforts but also deepens the connection with your audience. Whether it’s refining your email marketing campaign, exploring content strategies for your site, or boosting your online reviews, our team has the expertise and creativity to ensure your brand not only survives but thrives.

Ready to diversify your marketing strategy and build a stronger connection with your audience? Contact Curiosity Marketing Group today. Let’s create a marketing plan that’s as resilient and dynamic as the world we live in.

10 Secrets to Creating Interactive Facebook Posts Your Followers Will Love (With Examples)

The essence of social media lies in its interactivity. Facebook, the titan of social media, epitomizes this principle. Yet, many brands still miss the mark, treating platforms like digital billboards. To truly harness the power of Facebook, interactive posts are paramount. Here’s why and how.

The Need for Interactive Facebook Posts

Remember the initial days of Facebook? It was all about interaction – connecting with peers, later with brands, and essentially being “social.” But somehow, as brands burgeoned, many forgot this core aspect, posting monologues instead of fostering dialogues.

Facebook’s algorithm, designed to celebrate interactivity, ensures that interactive content enjoys a wider reach. This means when followers engage with your content, it gains momentum, reaching more users, thereby enhancing your brand’s visibility and fostering potential customer relationships. Ultimately, interactive posts can lead to conversions, be it website visits or actual sales.

Wondering when it’s the perfect moment to post your social masterpiece? Check out our comprehensive guide on the top times to post on social for greater engagement.

Defining Interactive Facebook Posts

An interactive Facebook post isn’t necessarily a complicated content format. It’s simply a post designed to evoke responses. These posts might ask followers to answer questions, respond to a scenario, or share their experiences. It can be as dynamic as a Facebook live session or as straightforward as a poll. The objective? Get followers talking, liking, sharing, and above all, interacting.

Feeling stuck for ideas? Here are some tested methods:

1. Throwback Posts

Revisiting moments from your business’s history can evoke feelings of nostalgia among followers, creating a strong emotional bond. Memories, especially positive ones, can increase the feel-good factor, making followers more receptive and engaged.

Check out this post from the Maryland State Police showing off a bit of their history!

Maryland State Police Facebook post of a throwback to their K9 unit.

2. Customer Content

User-generated content, especially from satisfied customers, serves as social proof. By showcasing real experiences, you’re not only validating the quality of your service or product but also making your customers feel valued and heard.

Star Wars shows off their dedicated fans who dress up as their beloved characters!

3. Local Heroes

Highlighting local figures creates a sense of community and pride among your followers. It humanizes your brand by showing that you care about individuals and their contributions, rather than just sales or promotions.

This Ohio-based radio station serves up free lunch from a local spot to those doing good work in their community!

4. Start A Conversation

Sometimes it’s as easy as commenting on the weather to grab your audience’s attention! This is a great and simple way to generate engagement when the conversation starter material is universal enough that anyone can participate.

The New York Jets are just saying good morning and asking what’s up to their followers.

5. Behind-the-Scenes Tours

Such content demystifies your business process, making it more relatable. By offering transparency, you’re building trust and making followers feel like they’re a part of your journey, rather than just customers.

6. Social Surveys

Polls and surveys serve a dual purpose: they engage your audience by making them feel heard and provide you with valuable feedback. It’s a direct line of communication that can inform future business decisions!

This tech creator is polling his audience to further tailor his content to them, making this a great example of audience collaboration.

7. Trending Topic Tie-ins

By connecting your posts with current events or pop culture, you’re showing that your brand is up-to-date and relevant. This can increase shareability as the content is timely and resonates with what’s currently on people’s minds. It also allows you to quickly engage a large portion of your audience without much effort!

Back when everyone was outside hunting for AR creatures in Pokemon Go, Whataburger got in on the trend with their hilarious and viral take.

8. Customer Testimonials

Positive feedback from real customers can be more convincing than any advertisement. Showcasing these testimonials reinforces the quality and reliability of your offerings, influencing potential customers’ decisions.

Juan Taco shows that customer testimonials can go beyond the review, with this heartfelt gift from some appreciative customers

9. Collaborative Campaigns

Joint promotions can tap into new audience segments and bring fresh perspectives. By collaborating, you’re also fostering community relationships and providing diverse content to your followers.

Brain & Spine uses collaboration to do good for senior residents with Alzheimer’s in their local community during the holiday season.

10. Tips & Tricks

Sharing useful tips and tricks related to your products or industry establishes your brand as a valuable resource. By offering shortcuts or insights that make customers’ lives easier or experiences better, you create a community of informed and loyal followers who appreciate the added value you provide.

Showing off how to do simple fixes, like hiding annoying cables on your TV system is useful to his audience, and creates great engagement for him as a creator.

Harnessing Facebook’s Potential for Your Business

Facebook provides a plethora of opportunities for brands to connect in creative and compelling ways. From playful interactive posts to weekly specials and pet features, the sky’s the limit. Dive in, experiment, and see how your online presence flourishes.

If you’re looking for assistance in enhancing your social media game, don’t hesitate to reach out! We’re here to help elevate your brand’s digital voice.

What is a CTA? Harnessing the Potential of CTAs in Marketing

In the vibrant realm of digital marketing, Calls to Action (CTAs) stand as compelling signposts guiding visitors towards meaningful interactions. These potent tools, often manifested as website buttons, play a crucial role in transforming passive browsing into action sales. But, what is a CTA, and how can we harness its potential to accelerate our marketing outcomes?

Breaking Down the Call to Action Meaning

CTA, or Call to Action, is a term often tossed around in marketing circles, but what does it really signify? Simply put, a CTA is a prompt or directive that encourages visitors to take specific actions. This could range from signing up for a newsletter, purchasing a product, or even following your brand on social media.

A well-crafted CTA is more than just a ‘click here’ button. It’s a strategic blend of button design, persuasive text, and placement that collectively work to guide the visitor toward a desired action, propelling your action advertising efforts.

The Art of Writing a Call to Action

CTAs should be loud and clear as a call to action – they should be easily noticeable, compelling, and guide visitors effortlessly toward the next step. Here’s how to go about writing a call to action that works:

Be Clear and Direct

CTA digital directives should be straightforward and tell visitors exactly what to do. For instance, phrases like “Buy Now,” “Sign Up,” or “Learn More” are simple yet effective. Making the mistake of having your audience try and guess too much may lead to them not taking action.

Leverage Action-Packed Language

It’s important to use dynamic language that inspires action. Incorporate strong command verbs and create a sense of urgency to compel your visitors to act, like “Get Started Today” or “Buy Now.”

Make it Personal

Personalizing your CTAs can make your audience feel more connected. For example, instead of saying “Start Your Trial,” try “Start My Trial.” The more you can make your audience feel their role is important, the more likely they are to engage with your CTAs. Everyone likes to feel included!

Button Design: Making Your CTAs Stand Out

The design of your CTA button is just as important as its message. Here are a few tips to make your CTAs visually appealing:

Utilize Contrasting Colors

Your CTA should stand out from the rest of your website design. Using a contrasting color for your CTA button can help it catch the viewer’s attention.

Keep it Large but Appropriate

While your CTA button should be large enough to be noticeable, it should not overwhelm the rest of your page design. Maintain a balance that ensures visibility without causing a distraction, none of us miss the days of pop-ups covering our browser pages!

Employ Clear Fonts

Use a simple, easy-to-read font for your CTA. Remember, the goal is to make it as easy as possible for the viewer to understand what action they should take.

Call to Action Examples: Learning from the Best

To master the art of crafting compelling CTAs, it’s beneficial to learn from effective call to action examples. Consider the following:

  • Netflix’s “Join Free for a Month.”
  • Spotify’s “Get Spotify Free.”
  • Dropbox’s “Sign up for free.”

Each of these CTAs is simple, direct, and creates a sense of no-risk involvement, increasing the likelihood of action.

Embracing the Call to Action in Modern Platforms: TikTok

CTAs have evolved with the digital landscape, finding their place in modern platforms like TikTok. A call to action TikTok might involve prompts like “Follow for More Tips” or “Like and Share if You Agree,” thereby increasing engagement and boosting reach. CTAs like this have moved beyond the bounds of traditional prompting like buttons, where these calls exist in descriptions or even at the end or beginning of the videos.

Harnessing the Potential of CTAs in Your Marketing Strategy

CTAs are a linchpin in any successful digital marketing strategy. They provide clear direction, motivate immediate responses, and play a critical role in driving conversions. Remember, a well-crafted CTA resonates with your audience, encourages them to take the desired action, and brings you one step closer to your business goals.

50 Powerful CTA Phrases to Spark Your Creativity

  1. Sign Up Now
  2. Get Started Today
  3. Join Our Community
  4. Claim Your Free Trial
  5. Subscribe Now
  6. Explore More Here
  7. Buy Now
  8. Reserve Your Spot
  9. Get Your Free Quote
  10. Learn More Today
  11. Discover More
  12. Download Now
  13. Start My Free Trial
  14. Register Here
  15. Hurry, Limited Offer
  16. Save Your Spot Now
  17. Get Instant Access
  18. Boost Your [Benefit] Now
  19. Unleash Your Potential
  20. Secure Your [Product/Service]
  21. Yes, I Want [Benefit]
  22. Try It For Free
  23. Book Your Appointment
  24. Get Exclusive Access
  25. Don’t Miss Out
  26. Start Your Journey
  27. Elevate Your [Benefit]
  28. Become a VIP
  29. Get My Discount
  30. Order Now
  31. Be the First to Know
  32. Act Now
  33. Upgrade Now
  34. Start Saving Today
  35. Begin Your Free Trial
  36. Double Your [Benefit]
  37. Unlock Your [Benefit]
  38. Take the Quiz
  39. Gain Instant Access
  40. Join Free for a Month
  41. Connect Now
  42. Claim Your Spot
  43. Secure Your Deal
  44. Get It First
  45. Discover Your [Benefit]
  46. Access Now
  47. Transform Your [Benefit]
  48. Get Results Now
  49. See How Here
  50. Start Earning Now

Remember, the most powerful CTAs are tailored to your audience, your offer, and the context in which they appear. Test different CTAs to find out which work best for your business!
Still got questions on CTAs and how you should leverage them? Give us a shout! We’re your secret weapon to success.

What is a Digital Content Creator – Why Your Business Should Be One

As a business owner, you know that standing out from the crowd is essential in order to succeed. At this very moment, brands and businesses across the world are reinventing their digital content strategies and finding new ways to engage with customers by embracing one of the fastest-growing trends today: becoming a digital content creator. When most people hear “digital content creator,” you’ll think about famous content creators on TikTok or Instagram. However, the concept of creating your own content – such as photos, videos, podcasts and more – has become mainstream among many established brands but it typically involves relying on external partners or hiring an entire team of creators. But what if we told you there was another way? Welcome to the exciting world of being a Digital Content Creator!

Introducing the Digital Content Creation Trend

What It is and What This Means for Businesses

The digital content creation trend is shaking up what it means to be in the business world today. This refers to a new wave of digital influencers and social media specialists who specialize in creating compelling content, engaging their followers, and increasing engagement with their products or services. As this trend continues to rise and mature, businesses should stay current and take advantage of potential opportunities by getting savvy with their online presence and leveraging social media influencers where possible.

The Benefits of Becoming a Digital Content Creator

The digital age is an exciting time for anyone hoping to establish themselves as content creators. For businesses, the ability to attract top digital talent and branch out across multiple channels can open up a world of opportunities. Not only does it allow brands to create content that’s more engaging and interactive, but it also enables them to reach new audiences and keep them coming back for more. With how-to guides, tutorials and industry best practices, content creators have the tools to maximize their digital engagement efforts, build meaningful relationships with followers, and even become authorities in their respective field.

Making the Leap

Tips for Getting Started as a Digital Content Creator

If you’re ready to make the leap and get started as a digital content creator, there are some things you need to know before you dive in. First of all, how do you start creating content? You may already be familiar with how to create content for different platforms like YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram, but how do you create content that resonates with your audience? That’s where your digital content strategy comes in. Creating strategies for how to use social media to build brand awareness is key for success when it comes to becoming a professional creator. It can help streamline how your content is created and how it is marketed. Taking time to carefully map out an effective content strategy could pave the way for exponential growth on all your platforms!

Engaging Audiences with Creative Content

Examples of Popular Digital Media Channels

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to just create content and post it online hoping you’ll get customer engagement – the modern social media manager needs to use creative strategies to engage their audience. Nowadays, it seems like consumers are drawn to platforms that tell stories or provide comedic relief. Just look at how wildly popular channels such as TikTok and Instagram Shorts have become! These customer engagement platforms allow brands to entertain their followers as well as create branded content with a humanized tone of voice. There is so much potential in digital media channels for brands looking to connect with their customer base in fun and unique ways.

Harnessing the Power of Collaboration & Community Building

Digital Engagement Strategies

It’s a brave new world, and as the creator economy continues to evolve and expand, businesses need engagement strategies that can keep up. To really make an impact, engaging with your audience on social media has become more than just likes and comments; collaboration is key. By finding ways to work together with influencers and other brands, you create communities and opportunities to introduce powerful digital content strategies. That might mean teaming up with like-minded influencers, creating content hubs that enable users to be part of the creation process, or getting creative in how you collaborate – run a contest or invite followers to help shape your product launch! There’s no limit to what can be achieved when engagement is powered by collaboration.

It’s time to take the plunge and join the digital content creator movement. There are so many opportunities to explore and take advantage of available resources, such as collaboration, community building, and strategic promotion, to engage with audiences like never before. For those just starting out, having the right strategies and guidance makes all the difference in achieving success. At Curiosity Marketing Group, we understand how important it is for content creators to be well-informed about their goals and objectives for success. Let us help you become a digital content creator by utilizing our integrated team of experts that offer creative solutions and actionable steps that you can start taking today.

The future of content creation is endless – let’s start crafting yours now!

Successful Evergreen Content Types

As the name suggests, evergreen content remains relevant and retains its beauty, no matter when it’s posted or consumed. It doesn’t just quench our natural curiosity, it also ensures our customers won’t wander off too far because the content we create will always provide them with valuable information. Evergreen content usually stays with you longer than traditional content and can help attract customers regardless if it’s seen today or a few years from now. While you might have to give up on seasonal content now and again, evergreen material will never lose its character! There are a select few types of evergreen content that do stand the test of time. Let’s check them out!

Evergreen Content and the Spectrum of Successful Media

So, what type of content can be considered “Evergreen”? Well, luckily for you, we’re providing you with a guide. Some content just seems to hold value, whether it was made years ago or minutes ago. Let’s check them out, so you can pick your favorite genre of Evergreen Content!

How-to Guides

Do it yourself projects are some of the most popular things you will find on the web! Anything that has something that triggers your curiosity probably has a how-to guide somewhere. Keep it focused on the topic of conversation and avoid the temptation of adding trendy ideas to the content.

Goods and Services Reviews

Reviews can be the best form of marketing or content that your brand can put out there. Just head over to any of your favorite websites and search for the term “review.” We’re willing to bet that thousands upon thousands of posts will come up and almost all of them have tons of engagement. Reviews of your product or service can be a simple and timeless way to market your brand.


It’s a list! It’s an article! Wait, no, it’s a Listicle! These are long-form articles that give great ideas in the rough form of a list. Gift ideas, vacation spots, and popular TV shows to watch are just a few Listicle ideas that keep the reader’s attention and just so happen to be pretty evergreen!

Buying Guides

As long as there are products available to buy, people will want to look at buying guides. Think of a product – Anything that money can buy. There is probably a buyer’s guide available to you for that product. People will check and cross-reference buying guides to ensure they are getting the best bang for their buck, which provides another opportunity for evergreen branding efforts.

Tips and Tricks

Everyone sees a new way to use something or a new way of doing things that gets folks thinking. Tips and tricks that you share with your audience allow others in on the mystery of a topic. Tips and tricks on buying, working out, cooking, or pretty much anything are almost guaranteed to be a great source of evergreen content!


Glossaries are typically an alphabetical layout of everything you may need to know about a topic. It helps people to break down, visualize and understand whatever content they are attempting to consume. If that content is available to the masses, a glossary for it will be useful!


They’re interesting, what else can we say? Celebrities, designers, scientists, and doctors all have one thing in common. They have interesting stories that people want to hear! Find someone interesting and interview them in relation to your company! That interview will always be relevant.

Hiring a Marketing Company to Create Evergreen Brand Content

Evergreen content can be an especially crucial factor in keeping your brand relevant in a timeless manner. If your content is always fresh to the reader, your brand is always pertinent. If you want to create your own evergreen content, great! We have laid some general framework for you to be able to do so. If you want to leave that in the hands of professionals who have experience creating content that people will keep coming back to, check out our content marketing services, and stay curious.


How Organizations Can Build Trust Through Content Marketing

Content marketing is a powerful tool that organizations can use to build trust with their target audience. Consider it a magic potion you can sprinkle into your marketing mix. By creating content that’s relevant and engages the reader, companies can show they are experts in their field and reliable sources of information. If this doesn’t sound like your business, content marketing can get you there! Crafting great content needs to be as precise and calculated as a generals’ battle plan. Show your audience you mean business by delivering thoughtful, reliable pieces that demonstrate mastery in the field they care about most!

What Is Content Creation in Marketing

Forget the days of simply producing content that gives customers a quick and superficial glance at what you do. Content creation isn’t just gathering words, images or videos- it’s about creating something special with real emotion built in to make sure your target audience truly connects with your brand! So go beyond surface level marketing, strike up conversations and tug on those heartstrings – give them an epic experience they won’t soon forget!

Explore the content marketing process

Why Content Marketing Matters

Content marketing is a great way to show off your knowledge, charm the pants off potential customers and make yourself look like an expert in any field. If done right it can also give you a positive reputation that speaks volumes about who you are as an organization – how’s that for trustworthiness? Content is like a personal tutor for online customers! It offers helpful advice to guide an informed purchase decision, and then helps direct interested leads right into your sales funnel – that’s some serious marketing magic.

What Are the Benefits of Content Marketing

Content marketing has become the talk of the town. It’s giving businesses a chance to connect with customers on an entirely new level and build meaningful relationships that will last for years! Instead of being just another trend, this is here to stay – so it may be time you get in on all the excitement! Content can be a great way to boost SEO – like sprinkling powerful keywords throughout your writing, making it easier for potential customers to find you online! You won’t even have to break the bank: content marketing is always an affordable option. Let’s raise our glasses and toast being smart with money!

Check out our professional content marketing services

Building Trust Through Content Marketing

Organizations wanting to create trusting relationships with their followers can find success by implementing content marketing in multiple fun and exciting ways!

Establish a credible, consistent voice

If you’re looking to gain trustworthiness, it’s important that your organization presents itself in a professional and organized manner. Go with authoritative information and language as well as steering clear of clickbait-y rhetoric – when all else fails, practice what the pros do by leaning on industry veterans! But don’t fret if your audience isn’t too keen on highbrow facts; sometimes being funny goes further than playing it safe. It just depends who you’ve got tuning in!

Create helpful, timely content

If you want your branded content to get noticed, don’t talk about things that might happen in the future – tackle needs and interests readers have right now. Focusing on timely topics such as trends and product reviews can be a great way to give people what they’re looking for so they come back again when their other needs arise!

Always remain transparent and honest

When it comes to building trust with an audience, faking the funk is no way to go about it. Sure, Fyre Festival gave us a laugh and made for some great documentaries – but if you want customers that stick around long-haul then stretching the truth won’t get you very far! 

Interact with readers as often as possible

It’s time to be BFFs! Organizations should limit the promotional posts and get into meaningful conversations with their readers. Show your audience that you care by responding to comments, keeping them in-the-know about new developments, and dishing out thoughtful advice – just like a best friend would do!

Prioritize customer service

Organizations should treat customer service like the star quarterback; it needs to be on its A-Game at all times! That means lightning fast response times, website FAQs that double as top tier life advice, and technical support so efficient you’ll think they’re reading your mind. After all, if everything else fails – there’s always customer service!

Take your business to the top with branded content marketing


Partnering with a content marketing company

Struggling to make your mark on the world? Harness our content marketing company’s revolutionary power – and stand out from the crowd with an impactful message that’ll turn heads! Let Curiosity Marketing Group give your content a jolt of electric energy! Our amazing team can help breathe life into your brand with ideas that will leave potential customers mesmerized. We’ll make sure they remember you – and not just because the competition got left in the dust. 

Contact us today for your free content marketing consultation!

2023 Upcoming Trends in Marketing

Buckle up, businesses – 2023 is set to be an absolute roller-coaster ride for marketing efforts! From digital marketing breakthroughs that will surprise and delight customers, to their ever-evolving expectations – the only way for companies to stay ahead of the game? Nail those loops with confidence. If you want to stay ahead of the competition in 2023, it’s time to think creatively and strategically! Harnessing AI technologies and machine learning can help set your brand up for success – but don’t forget about personalization. It’s all part of a winning recipe that keeps customers coming back. Now get out there: it’s showtime!

Why Marketing Matters

Without marketing, business success is like a racecar without fuel – you’re just not going to get very far! Marketing helps brands move ahead of the competition by building relationships with customers and boosting visibility. But most importantly, it drives those delightful revenue numbers sky-high! 2023 is gearing up to be the year of fierce competition in marketing. Every company needs to get savvy and quick if they want to stay relevant – it’s not enough just keep abreast of trends, you need to be one step ahead by anticipating changes across all digital channels!

Consumer Trends in Marketing

It seems that the younger crowd is tapping out of research and turning to their trusted social media platforms. With over half relying on TikTok or Instagram, strategizing a purchase journey has never been easier…for those who don’t need all the details! Who needs Google Search when you have your friends giving recommendations? And with 8% fewer people doing background checks before buying an item, it’s safe to say folks are just keeping up with trends rather than fact-checking every decision these days.

2023 Marketing Trends

Get ready to kiss traditional marketing goodbye in 2023! It’s time for the world of digital marketing to take center stage with a wide range of strategies and tech trends that will revolutionize your business. Get ahead of the competition now and sharpen up, because these future-forward initiatives are set to hit all industries hard. Don’t get left behind – it’s go-time!

Learn more about our marketing process

AI and Machine Learning

As we move into 2023, it’s becoming clear that companies who don’t embrace AI for their marketing strategy will be left behind. With the help of machine learning and artificial intelligence, you can quickly identify your ideal customer segment to deliver personalized content designed specifically to engage them – plus save time while doing so! Now that’s something worth ‘AI-pplauding’!


Customers today are more savvy than ever, expecting unparalleled experiences tailored just for them. To stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive in this new landscape, companies must embrace personalized techniques like email campaigns customized to each user’s needs, hyper-targeted advertisements based on their interests – all backed by dynamic website content that speaks directly to individuals. After all, it’s all about knowing what your customers want – And they know it! Not to make their heads big or anything.

Social Media Marketing

Social media isn’t just about throwing stuff out there and hoping it finds an audience. You’ve got to be smart, savvy, and strategic if you want your brand to stand apart from the crowd. Thankfully we make staying current with social trends easy because our experienced team will take care of all those pesky daily tasks for you! With our help, standing out in a competitive digital world has never been easier – so click here now to see what kind of magical marketing strategies we can spin up on your behalf.

Video Content

Forget about playing it safe with text-based messaging—give digital audiences the star treatment by moving into video! Dazzle them with viral social experiences,  captivating explainer videos and other creative content that grabs their attention. If you’re ready to capture your target audience’s interest in a whole new way, check out our experts’ must-have video services today! Lights. Camera. ACTION!

Voice Search Optimization

2023 is fast approaching, and it looks like speaking to devices will be second nature – so buckle up for conversational SEO! Brands better get their content in gear because Alexa’s listening – she could become a company’s best friend or worst foe. What was that again? “Alexa, show me the top 2023 marketing strategies by Curiosity!”

Augmented Reality

These days, the universe is expanding further than ever before – no longer confined to our reality but venturing into uncharted waters of augmented realities. If businesses want to stay ahead in this rapidly evolving landscape and make an impact on their customers’ lives, they should definitely invest in AR technology now! Metaverse? We’re all over it like white on rice!

Don’t get left behind – it’s essential to stay ahead of the competition in 2023! Make sure you’re armed with all the latest marketing trends and ready for any opportunity that presents itself. You’ll be glad you kept your finger on the pulse when success knocks!

Get ahead with our marketing services

Partnering With a Professional Marketing Company

Don’t get left behind in 2023! Jump onto the trend train and hop aboard with a professional marketing company. Staying informed about next year’s seismic shifts is key to staying competitive – not just that, but you’ll also be able to identify new opportunities for deeper customer engagement and maximize your returns on any investments made into promotional activities. Make sure you don’t miss out this coming year! Put it this way: the companies prepared for success will be the ones able to capitalize on disruptions caused by 2023’s new and exciting marketing trends.

Contact us today for your free 2023 marketing consultation!

The Growth of Video Marketing and Why Your Business Needs It

As a business owner, you know the importance of staying up to date with evolving trends. Sigh, we know. Trends come and go quicker than ever, but video marketing is one trend that can no longer be overlooked — it’s quickly becoming a cornerstone for successful businesses and it’s here to stay. Whether you share dynamic social videos, interactive explainers or maybe even some TikTok dances that show off your business in a fun, casual way – there are endless possibilities when it comes to building relationships and connecting with customers using this versatile medium. Don’t sleep on this incredible opportunity for growth, dive into the awesome world of video marketing now!

New to video-sharing platforms like TikTok? Check out of Review of TikTok for Businesses.

What Is Video Content Marketing

Nowadays, the growth of video content marketing is obviously hard to ignore. But what exactly is video content marketing? (We won’t tell anyone you had to ask.) Put simply, video marketing is the art of using videos to show people a product or service and get them interested in it. Seems simple right?! Hold on there cowboy, there’s more here than meets the eye. True, it’s an effective way to boost brand awareness, build trust in a company’s products and services, and increase consumer engagement, but video marketing needs a rock solid strategy behind it. Businesses can use videos to introduce their products or services as well as educate their customers and prospects on how to use them. If you’re looking for something that’ll really take your business to new heights, maybe it’s time to climb aboard the video content marketing express! All aboard!

Check out our video marketing process

The Growth of Video Marketing

Video marketing is skyrocketing in popularity and is set to become the internet’s dominant form of content. We’ll soon be living in a 90% video-dominated world, so start prepping for your close up! Must we really go on? We’re like a train that just can’t be stopped! Our success is growing exponentially in both the consumer and business-to-business sectors, making it clear there’s no shortage of enthusiasm for video marketing. Getting on the train now? But wait, there’s more! Video marketing has become a major player in a host of campaigns, from small startups to large companies, proving that video marketing isn’t just hype – It’s here to stay.

Video marketing growth in the U.S. is serious business – and it’s only getting bigger as the industry inches closer to a whopping $135 billion. That’s some serious dough! Businesses everywhere are getting creative and cashing in on the stellar success of online videos. With a surge in growth, companies want to get their hands on this golden opportunity – but how? While some companies opt for strategies that include interactive content or short-form narrative spots, others rely on strategies using low-cost stock footage and sophisticated animation software to reach massive online audiences. Whatever your budget is, Curiosity Marketing Group is here to help you capitalize and ride that wave!

Dive deep into our video marketing services

What Are the Benefits of Video Marketing

Video content marketing can produce awesome results for your business! If you invest in this strategy, be prepared to see some major benefits. Increased web traffic? Check. Customers more engaged with your brand? Double check!

Increased Visibility

Get ready for the spotlight! Unleash your inner celebrity when you share video content on social media and related articles. Not only will it get more eyes on your site, but who knows? You might just become an internet sensation, all thanks to a few well-crafted videos!

Increased Conversions

Customers are more likely to buy when they don’t have to strain too hard – and what could be easier than vegging out in front of a promotional video? Video content is your secret weapon for maximizing those all-important conversions!

Increased Engagement

Engagement skyrocketed when we started using videos to communicate with our customers. Turns out, most people would rather watch a cool video than read something on their computer screen – who knew? We quickly saw results as those passive viewers turned into active buyers and the sales really took off!

Improved Brand Recognition

Let your brand out of the gate – show potential customers some personality! Videos are a great, creative way to get people invested in what you have to offer. Make sure those values and mission statements breathe new life into the conversation by incorporating them in visuals.

More Variety

What do customers want? Variety! Having a variety of video content is like throwing a bunch of spaghetti at the wall (not literally, though) to see what sticks. This way your business can reach various audiences with different needs and interests – who knows which one will resonate best with them?!

Explore the endless content possibilities with our video marketing services

Partnering With a Professional Video Marketing Company

The importance of working with a professional video marketing company cannot be understated. Yep, we’re going to wear that one into the ground – But for good reason! Our video marketing agency can help to create effective videos tailored specifically to your company’s needs, ensuring that your message is delivered in the most impactful way possible. Forget the hassle of creating your own video ads – let our expert team make it easy! Partner with us and you’ll get more time to focus on rocking your business, plus save money in the process. Win-win!

Contact us today for your free video marketing consultation!

2022 Holiday Marketing Trends: What Consumers Are Planning to Spend On

The holiday season is rapidly approaching, and businesses are starting to prepare for the influx of shoppers. But what are consumers planning to spend their money on? How can your businesses capitalize on this information? Keep reading for our holiday marketing trends guide, where we’ll break down consumer spending by category and give you tips on how to reach these shoppers!

Holiday Shopping Trends & Statistics

As holiday shoppers begin to plan for the upcoming season, many are resolved to spending less this year. A recent holiday insights report found that Consumers are planning to cut back on holiday spending, with 41% saying they’ll spend less than last year. 

This holiday season, marketers will need to be more strategic in their advertising and holiday marketing campaigns. One way to do this is by focusing on value-based messages that highlight the quality of the product or service rather than its cost. Additionally, marketers can look for opportunities to partner with other brands to offer holiday discounts and deals. By thinking outside the box, marketers can still reach holiday shoppers who are looking to save this season.

As the holiday season approaches, retailers begin to ramp up their marketing efforts. And for good reason – according to recent studies, people are increasingly putting off their holiday shopping until later in the season. In fact, some people wait until the last minute to make their holiday purchases. This presents a challenge for retailers, who need to find ways to reach these procrastinators. One potential solution is to focus on holiday marketing ideas that emphasize convenience and ease of purchase. For example, retailers could offer holiday-themed click-and-collect options or create holiday marketing campaigns specifically targeted at last-minute shoppers. By understanding the behaviors of late shoppers, retailers can adapt their strategies and make the most of the holiday shopping season.

Online Holiday Shopping Trends

For many of us, the holiday season is a time to celebrate with family and friends, but it can also be a time of stress and anxiety, especially when it comes to holiday shopping. 32% of people say they plan to do more holiday shopping online this year to avoid the crowds and save time. And it’s not just about buying gifts for loved ones – many people are also using the internet to do their holiday shopping for groceries, decorations, and other holiday essentials.

With so many people shopping online, it’s important for businesses to have a strong online presence during the holiday season. Here are some holiday marketing ideas to help you get started:

  • Use social media to promote special holiday deals and discounts.
  • Create holiday-themed landing pages on your website.
  • Send out email newsletters with gift guides and latest product releases.
  • Run targeted online ads featuring holiday discounts and promotions.

Holiday In Store Shopping Trends

As the winter holidays approach, shoppers are weighing their options for how to get the best deals on gifts. For some, going into a brick-and-mortar store is still the preferred option, even though it may be more crowded than shopping online. There are a few reasons for this. First, shoppers can see and touch the merchandise in person, which can give them a better idea of whether it’s a good fit. Second, they can interact with salespeople and get help with finding the right gift. And finally, there’s something about the hustle and bustle of the holiday season that just can’t be replicated online. While online shopping is convenient and popular, some shoppers are ready to brave the crowds and enjoy the holiday atmosphere in store.

Creating Successful Holiday Marketing Campaigns

The holiday season is a key time for retailers and brands to connect with consumers and drive sales. According to holiday insights, holiday marketing starts as early as October, and holiday shopping peaks in November and December. Consumers are bombarded with holiday deals and promotions from retailers and brands. As a result, holiday shoppers are looking for brands and retailers that offer the best deals on quality products.

To maximize holiday profits, marketers need to create well-planned holiday marketing campaigns that take advantage of holiday spending trends. One effective holiday marketing strategy is to focus on gifting occasions such as Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa. By creating holiday-specific marketing campaigns, businesses can tap into the increased spending that occurs during these times.

Additionally, to be successful during the holiday season, retailers and brands need to have a solid holiday marketing strategy. This includes understanding consumer behavior, knowing which holidays are most important to shoppers, and promoting the right deals at the right time. In addition, retailers and brands need to be prepared to meet the needs of holiday shoppers. This means having enough inventory on hand to meet demand, offering convenient shipping options, and providing excellent customer service. By understanding the needs of holiday shoppers and delivering on their expectations, retailers and brands can build strong relationships with consumers that last beyond the holiday season.

Contact the holiday marketing gurus at Curiosity Marketing Group to get started on a successful campaign this holiday season!

Using AI for Marketing

Wondering if AI Marketing is really all it’s cracked up to be?

As a business, product, or service provider, you are always looking for ways to optimize efficiency and increase productivity. After all, time is money. And in the age of technology, there are more options than ever before to help you streamline your process and get ahead of the competition. Here at Curiosity Marketing Group, we are always on the lookout for new ways to use technology to our advantage. Whether it’s developing new software to automate repetitive tasks or investing in cutting-edge hardware to speed up our rendering times, we are constantly looking for ways to work smarter, not harder.

We all know that technology has drastically changed the way we live and work. In fact, it seems like there’s a new app or piece of software being released every day that promises to make our lives easier and more efficient. But with so many options out there, it can be tough to know which ones are worth our time and which ones are just a passing fad.

AI and Marketing

Designing and writing with AI is becoming more and more popular, as it promises to speed up the creative process and create better results. But is this really true? Is AI really that great? Let’s take a closer look.

We’re a curious bunch, and we think you’ll love what AI and upcoming technology can do for your business. It’s not just about making things look cool (although that’s a nice side effect). With the power of AI, you can create an assortment of marketing resources that are tailored to your specific audience with maximized efficiency.

AI Design

One recent example of how we’ve used technology to increase efficiency is with our latest week of social media images. Harnessing the power of AI allowed us to generate high-quality content at a fraction of the time and cost it would take to do manually. We are able to input a few key parameters and then the software takes care of the rest. This has been a game-changer for us because it has freed up our team to focus on other tasks while still being able to produce high-quality content on a regular basis.

New Advances in Marketing Technology

Technology is changing every day and there are always new ways to use it to your advantage. At Curiosity Marketing Group, we make it a priority to stay on top of the latest trends and invest in the best tools available so that we can provide our clients with the highest quality services possible. If you’re looking for a marketing partner that knows how to leverage technology for maximum efficiency, look no further than Curiosity Marketing Group!

Contact us today to learn more about how AI for Marketing can help take your business to the next level.

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