
How to Build a Strong Wellness Marketing Strategy

How to Build a Strong Wellness Marketing Strategy

The number of internet users in the United States is growing daily. More than 88% of the U.S. population are internet users; approximately a 45% increase since the year 2000. Google reportedly processes 1.3 billion searches monthly. “…more Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers…including the U.S (Google)”

Most people report that the information, blogs, and medical information centric sites they visit are inaccurate or unsatisfactory.

An accurate healthcare resource that people can trust is vital for internet users. We have a 5 step process and strategy points to help put into practice when creating a digital content strategy for your practice.

Following the below 5 steps can greatly increase your effectiveness of your healthhcare marketing strategy.


Step 1:  Set your content goals and what you want to accomplish

Step 2: Establish tools and process

Step 3:  Liven up Your Content – What is best to write about and share?

Step 4: Distribute your Content – Placing your content where it deserves to be.

Step 5: Measure Results – Examine the process and begin again

With a combined experience of over 30 years in marketing and design, the team of creatives and marketers at Curiosity can take any of your business goals and put them into a plan that will strive for a positive solution. Since opening our doors we have gained experience to confidently understand
client objectives and easily establish strong client relationships in order to generate and deliver inspiring digital marketing and content strategy solutions. With every project our team strives to push the envelope and use the latest tech and solutions we have available to us.


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